My Alpha Mate

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Chapter 21

*Sierra’s POV*

            I stood there in the middle of the room, in Luke’s arms as he looked at me in surprise. “Really?” I nodded, “But before we leave I need to help my new friend Garrett and his mate problems. “Okay but only if I can stay with you.” I nodded eagerly, I hadn’t noticed how much I had missed Luke until I saw him again, so I was happy to spend any time I could with him.

            We walked out and I instantly found the three guys in the kitchen, ‘Hey guys, I remember my past now so I will be going home soon, but before I do I have some mate problems I have to solve.” When I said that I winked at Garrett showing him, I meant him and his mate. He groaned, “Great, just what I need, another woman getting involved with my problems.”

            I giggled, went up, and kissed him on the cheek; then I heard a low warning growl from behind me. I turned around and found Melody giving me a death glare, “Melody! Just the person I wanted to see! We need to talk.”

            She nodded hesitantly, but I grabbed her hand, and lead her into my bedroom. “Okay spill the beans on what happened between you, Garrett, and his brother. “ She nodded, “That is a great idea I need to talk to someone, and Garrett won’t listen to me. So I thought that Sebastian was going to be my mate, and then I found out that Garrett was my mate, I was going to break it off with Sebastian, and then I found out he had cancer. I didn’t want to leave him in that condition, so I was going to wait for him to die before I mated with Garrett, but when Seb died, he didn’t want to listen.”

            I sighed, “Okay I will talk to Garrett about it. But I will let you tell him the story.” “Thank you Sierra, you are the best.” I waved her away, walked down the stairs, found Garrett and told him what I thought. “I think that you should listen to her reason, I understand why she did what she did, and you need to listen to her.” He sighed but nodded, “Okay I will talk to her. Melody! Wait!”

            Melody turned towards him, “Garrett please listen to me.” He nodded, and Melody smiled at me, “Thank you Sierra.” I nodded, and they left to talk. Luke came over and wrapped his arms around me, “You should really stop medaling with other people’s problems.” I smiled, and then a girl with bright red curls walked into the room, Avery sucked in a breath, and I saw the girl look at him, and blushed. “Hi Avery.” He smiled at her, “Hello Angie.” Then she walked out of the room, and so I did what I was known for, I asked the questions. “Angie is so your mate!”

            Avery blushed, “Yeah but she is sixteen and I am nineteen so we can’t be together because she is under-aged.” I hugged him, “I am so sorry, that has got to suck!” He nodded, and then I heard another growl, I turned around and saw Angie standing there glaring at me. “What is up with all of the mates finding me in weird positions with their mates?! Angie that was nothing, I am already mated to Luke.” I saw her immediately un-tense, “I am sorry, I just get a little possessive over my mate.”

            I squealed, “You two are just too cute!” They both blushed, but I noticed Angie blushing the most, she was just a little blusher! I smiled at them, “When you two get mated you have to come see me at the other pack! I can’t wait to make fun of you two!” Then I walked over to the couch, and sat by Luke, and then I noticed Avery walk over to Angie and start whispering to her, all the while she kept on getting redder and redder. I smiled, and then Garrett and Melody walked into the room, “Are you two okay?” Melody nodded, “Yes all thanks to you!”

            I smiled, “I am glad I could help.” “Yeah thanks Sierra I owe you one!” I waved away his gratitude, “Aw don’t think anything of it, it is my duty to help mates in need.” They smiled, then Christian walked in with a brown haired girl right behind him. “Hi I am Christian’s little sister” I smiled, “Hi I am Sierra the Alpha Female of the neighboring pack.” She waved, went into the kitchen, and screeched. “Dylan?!”

            We all went running into the kitchen, and found her wrapped around a guy that looked happy to hold her in his arms. “Hey Dylan, I can’t believe your home!” I looked to Christian for an explanation, “Dylan is Lily’s mate. He just went toTexasbecause their State Alpha got killed, and they need an Alpha, and they wanted him to be the Alpha.”

            I nodded in understanding. “Hey Lils I didn’t expect this good of a welcome home party.” I could see the tears streaming down Lily’s face, “I missed you so much! I can’t believer your home.” She was sobbing at this point, and Dylan was just standing there, rubbing her back, and murmuring sweet nothings into her ear. I could tell just by the look on his face that he felt the same way she did.

*Lily’s POV*

            I couldn’t believe Dylan was back home, I was so happy. He kept a hold on me as he walked up the stairs to his room. His thoughts kept on protruding into my mind, all of them turning me on to the point of insanity. When we finally got to his room he proceeded to make love to me all night.

*Sierra’s POV*

            I was smiling while I lay in bed with Luke; he was playing with my hair as I thought about the happy mates today. The only person who didn’t have a mate was Christian, and he needed one. I saw how his eyes dimmed when he saw how happy everyone was with their mates. I sighed as I thought about how I could find him his mate. With those thoughts I drifted off into a peaceful sleep

So i'm kind of having writers block, if you have an idea for the story please put it in the comments.

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