My Alpha Mate

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Chapter 20

*Sierra’s POV*

            I was running in the forest, my wolf begging me to go back, ‘You have to go back! Luke didn’t mean it!’ ‘Who cares? That hurt I know almost no one and he yelled at me!’ She sighed in defeat. ‘I guess that’s true.’

            Then I heard a howl in the forest, I whirl around and see three huge wolves step out from behind the trees. I immediately lay on the ground showing no harm, they nodded and motioned for me to change. I quickly ran behind a tree and changed; when I came out from behind I was greeted with three huge, HOT guys.  “Hello I am Sierra and I mean no harm.” They all nodded, and then one of the guys who had black hair that was short, it immediately reminded of me of Luke.

            “Will you come back to our home with us and live with us?” I stared at him in surprise, “But I have a pack to go home to.” He nodded in understanding, “Then why are you running alone?” I sighed, “Because I forgot everything except for my mate, my mother, and my friend and since my mate is the Alpha I told him to get someone else and he agreed.”

            They all gasped in surprise, “I can not believe that Luke would do that!” Another one of them, this one with really dark reddish brown hair said. “I’m sure that was just his wolf talking, when they get mad they say stupid stuff.” This one was a blonde hair blue-eyed guy; he was probably the hottest of them all. I shrugged, “It doesn’t matter, I will not go back to where people thought I would be a horrible Alpha Female.”

            They sighed, “Well let’s go back to the house and decide what to do from there. By the way I am Garrett, this is Avery, and this is Christian.” Garrett was the guy that reminded me of Luke, Avery was blonde, and Christian was the one with reddish brown hair, “Works for me.” I agreed, so we all headed out to go back to their home.

            When we got there I gasped, the “house” was huge! I saw many people hanging around laughing and talking. “Alpha Garrett who is this?” Asked a girl that was looking at me with such distaste, until she saw my mark. “Melody this is Alpha Luke’s mate Sierra.” She looked at me, “Then why is she here?”

            “I am here because we got in a fight and I ran away.” Melody nodded, kissed Garrett on the cheek, and walked away. “Is Melody your mate?” I asked, and he nodded sadly, “Yes, but when we found out five years ago she wanted nothing to do with me, and then all of a sudden three years ago she wanted me to forgive her, but I just can’t. I found out the whole reason she rejected me was because she was in love with my brother, and when he died, she said she wanted me back.”

I hugged him, “It will be alright Garrett, I’m sure everything will turn out just fine.” He sighed, “I hope so.” I let go of him, and turned to look at my new pack. They all came up and greeted me, and before I knew it I was being carted to my room.

When I got there, I fell in love, it had creamy walls, and I light orangish pink bed, I jumped onto the bed, and not knowing how tired I was, fell asleep. When I woke up I saw someone at the bottom of my bed, on the cream colored chair. It was Luke. I screeched and jumped up, “Luke? What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

He smiled at me, “I have come to bring you home, and I found you through the mate bond. Listen, Sierra I am so sorry, my wolf was mad at everyone for doubting you and he snapped at you. I meant nothing of what I said.” Then just like that, all of my memories came back. I gasped, and fell into Luke’s arms. “Sierra? Are you okay?” I nodded and looked up at him, “I remember.” 

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