My alpha mate

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Chapter 15

*Luke’s POV*

            It had been five days, Maloney had woken up, but not Sierra, Maloney tolled us everything that had happened. I was furious! I couldn’t help but blame myself, if I had stayed with her then she would be awake, and not in a comma. I was sitting right next to her bed in the pack’s infirmary, I was tired and hungry, but I would not leave her side for even a minute. Two days ago the rest of the pack came home, saying they had killed Sierra’s mother, I was glad.

            I just wanted her to wake up. Was that too much to ask? Obviously it was, or else she would be awake right now. “Luke I brought you some food, I know you do not want it, but at least eat some of it.” I turned to see Zara, she was one of my friends mates, I smiled and took the plate from her hands, I nodded, and she left.

            Zara was a mother of three, two boys and one girl, all triplets; they were some of the most adorable things in the world. I started to eat the chicken noodle soup she had brought up for me, and the P.B. and J., it was delicious. When I was done I put it on the bedside table, leaned my head next to Sierra’s arm, and fell asleep. I was awakened by something moving under my head, I lifted, my head and looked down. It was Sierra’s arm! “Doc! Doc! Come quick!”

            He came charging in, and looked to where I was pointing and saw Sierra move her arm. “Well that means she should be waking up soon.” Right after he said that, Sierra opened her eyes. “Luke? Where am I?”

*Sierra’s POV*

            I finally felt the numbness go away in my body, so I moved my arm a couple of times, and heard some shouting. After a few minutes I opened my eyes, and came face to face with Luke. “Luke? Where am I?” I felt happiness surge through the bond as he yanked me up into a hug. “Oh My God Sierra! You are awake, and okay. I was so worried.”

            I smiled, hugged him back, and he brought my lips up to his. I smiled even bigger, and heard, “Well I am going to give you two some privacy, just shout when you want me again.” Luke didn’t even move from me, he just kept on kissing me. We broke apart so we could both get some air into our lung, and when we broke apart we were panting and smiling.

*Luke’s POV*

            She was awake! I could not believe it! I bent down to lay my forehead on hers, she was so beautiful. “I’m so sorry. Do you forgive me?” My love asked, I looked at her confused, and she smiled. “For not telling you the part about me being able to look into her mind.”

            I could not believe she would think anything else, “Of course I forgive you! I love you, and I will always forgive you!” She smiled, but I could see the tears almost coming out. “Sierra are you okay?” I asked hesitantly, and she burst out into tears.

“You came for me! You came for me!” She kept on saying while balling her eyes out. “Of course I came for you! You are the love of my life!”

After a few minutes she stopped crying, by then many people came up to see what the noise was. When the saw she was awake everybody clapped and cheered. I knew that she was embarrassed because she kept on hiding in the crook of my neck, shying away from everybody. “Okay! Okay! It is time for all of you to leave so my mate can get some sleep.”

Everybody nodded and left, I turned back to Sierra, and she was looking at me curiously. “Why did you come to get me?” I couldn’t believe my ears, “I came for you because you are the love of my life. I would never be able to live with myself if you died, I could barely handle you being in a comma.” She nodded and snuggled into the blankets, I was about to leave when her arm shot out to grip mine, “Stay with me please.”

She said, I looked back at her and saw her eyes drooping, I nodded, so she scooted over to the side, and I crawled into the bed with her. I felt her snuggle into my back, and my ‘little friend’ did not like that that much. It just made me hard, and it made it even that much harder not to take her then and there. I could feel through the bond the white fog that swept over her mind that indicated that sleep had taken over. 

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now