My alpha mate

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Chapter 11

*Luke’s POV*

            I was watching her while she slept. I know it was stalkerish, but I just loved her so much. Then I heard a giggle, I looked at her and saw her staring at me, “How long have you been staring at me?” She asked, I smiled, “Not long, just since seven o’clock.” She looked at the clock; it was nine o’clock in the morning.

            She burst out laughing, I blushed, and looked away, and she grabbed my chin and pulled me towards her. “Now don’t be jealous, I like that you love me so much to stare at me in the morning. Okay you know what, I take that back, it was totally stalkerish.” I burst out laughing, and pulled her down to kiss me. Her lips met mine and we began kissing, just when it was starting to get good, my mom came bursting in.

            ‘Honey we have a problem, the rouges have kidnapped Maloney, Jared’s mate.” I gasped, no not Maloney, she was my beta’s mate. “Aw s**t not her, she is amazing. Why are they taking mates?” My mother shook her head, tears streaming down her face, aw yes, my mother’s sister got kidnapped by rouges and they killed her. Leaving my mother with a child, AKA me.

            Yes me, Luce was my aunt. I was just a three year old when it happened, I didn’t remember her, but I didn’t have my dad because he was also killed by rouges, so Luce was left with me. Then she found her mate, and everything was perfect, Cesar loved my mother and me, as if I was his, he knew the story. Actually that was the reason why he became alpha, my mom and dad were the alphas, but they died so they became the alphas. So technically no matter what I would become alpha when I was eighteen, but Cesar retired earlier, so I turned alpha when I was seventeen. But I loved them like they were my parents since I barely knew my mom, and never knew my dad.

            I was brought out of my train of thought by a sting on my cheek, I looked up and saw Sierra staring at me in question. “Oh, I was just remembering what happened twenty years ago.” She looked at me questionably, so I told her the whole thing from beginning to end. She looked pained when I told her how my parents died, then she took a deep breath, “I think it’s time I told you about what happened to my mom.” I nodded and waited for her to continue. She took a deep breath and started, “My mother was the alpha of the rogues. She hadn’t found her mate when she had me, it was a ‘royal commitment’ as she put it. But then he found his mate, so he got a divorce with her, and she didn’t want me so she gave me away to my father when I was five. He told everybody that he had an affair, so it was only him and me that knew about what happened until now. That’s why Lizzie hates me so much.”

Haha I bet you weren’t expecting that now were ya!





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