My Alpha Mate

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Chapter 13

*Luke’s POV*

            I just heard the most surprising news yet, she could see into her mom’s mind! I looked at her a weird feeling came upon me, I felt betrayal. Who would of thought somebody could feel that from their mate. “Luke I’m sorry just hear me out.” I glared at her, “How could you leave that piece of information out, it is very important?”

            She flinched at my harsh tone, “I did not want to tell you everything at once! You seemed overwhelmed; I was going to tell you later today, before you left.” I stared at her surprised, “Well I don’t care. I need to be alone.” I heard her say my name while I ran out the door, I let my wolf take control, and changed.

*Sierra’s POV*

            What have I done? I should’ve told him when I told him the rest, I ran after him, I shucked my clothes, and turned into my wolf. I was just the same as a wolf, same fur and eye color. I sniffed the air, caught his sent, and ran after him. Half the way through the run I heard something. I swiveled my head around, just in time to see a fist come down on my head, making me black out.

*Luke’s POV*

            I was running at full speed, then I felt a sharp pain in my head, I yelped out in pain. What the hell was that? Then I knew the answer, Sierra was hurt. Shit! I should have not left her alone, I ran back to the house as fast I could.

*Sierra’s POV*

            It hurt, I opened my eyes, lifted my hand to the back of my head and felt the big bump on it. I winced when it made contact, “Don’t touch it! It will only hurt more!” I swiveled to see who said that, and I saw a girl about my age with blonde hair and brown eyes. “Who are you?” “I am Maloney Berks, I am Jared’s mate.”

I gasped, ”No way! I am Sierra I am the mate of Luke! I can not believe I am here with you. Wow that was easy finding you, but now we are both captured, ah whatever, I will just get us out.” She burst out laughing. “And how do you expect to do that? These handcuffs are made of silver?” I smiled, “I am part fire pixie, and we are known to blow up things. It is our specialty.”

She smiled and chuckled, “Of course I get to be trapped with a fire pixie who can blow anything up. Why am I surprised? God loves me right now!” I started to laugh, “Alright let’s get the show on the road before my mother comes to talk to us.” “Wait. Your mother? That rotten lady is your mother?” ‘Yes but I do not remember her, she gave me to my father when I was a baby, so she means nothing to me.” She nodded and we headed out, we were all the way to the door leading out when we heard a voice, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my daughter and the other prisoner. Trying to sneak out are ya? Well I just spoiled your plan. Now I know that I will kill both of you when I’m done with you!” Oh shit!

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now