My alpha mate

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Chapter 12

*Luke’s POV*           

What did she just say? I looked at her like she was crazy, “What?! You have to be kidding.” She looked down shamefully and shook her head. Shit, she was crying! “Oh Sierra, baby I’m so sorry, I did not mean to shout I was just surprised. I’m sorry.”

 She nodded her head, and leaned it on my shoulder, “It’s okay, I’m used to people hating me because I am the daughter of the alpha of the rogues.” I looked at her crazily, “No I do not hate you! I was just surprised! I swear!”  She just nodded, and snuggled even closer to me, God damn, this was giving me a boner.

I laid back down, looked at my mother and said, “I will deal with this later, my mate and I are tired we will be going back to sleep now.” She nodded, bowed respectfully, and left. Yes she bowed, I was alpha, and she had to show respect. I didn’t like it much, since she used to be alpha female, but whatever. I was surprised when Sierra didn’t comment, so I looked at her questionably, she must have read my thoughts because she answered. “My father has to bow to my grandfather because he is beta, so I am not surprised that your mother bowed to you.”

I nodded understanding, “Do you have to bow to him?” She nodded, “But not for long, because you are alpha female now, and he will have to bow to you.” She burst out laughing, hard too. I just rolled my eyes, grabbed her waist, and pulled her down to me. “Alright let’s go to sleep now,” She nodded, laid her head on my chest and we fell asleep together.

*Sierra’s POV*

            I woke up, looked at Luke, and noticed he was still asleep; it was my turn to stare at him. He was very handsome, his black hair was a little tousled from sleep, his face was peaceful. I had a feeling that since he was alpha, the peaceful face only happened when he was asleep. Then I heard him chuckle, I looked up to see him looking at me amusingly. “Who is the stalker now?” I blushed, looking down, but ofcourse her grabbed my chin to make me look at him. “I like you starring at me, it makes me feel loved.”

            “Now it is time to check out the deal with the rogues taking mates.” He nodded, got up, and went to take a shower. I chuckled evilly, I was going to go into the shower with him. I yanked off my clothes, went into the bathroom and saw the shower. It was huge!

            I walked up behind him so he couldn’t see me, then I opened up the door and stepped inside. He was so oblivious, he still didn’t know I was there, and then I saw his butt; and being the naughty little girl I was, I grabbed his ass.

*Luke’s POV*

            I went into the shower, I started soaping up, and then I felt a hand grab my ass. I swiveled around while grabbing the hand, and then I saw Sierra. She was naked! I felt my ‘little friend’ start to harden, she had perfect breasts, just the right size, and I felt my mouth water. She noticed me starring, and looked down blushing, I grabbed her head and made her look at me.

            “Stop looking away from me, you are beautiful. Why are you here?” She took the words that I said wrongly, and her eyes started to tear up. “I’m sorry I just thought that even though you don’t want to have sex we can still do some stuff. But I can see that was a mistake.”

            She started to leave, but before she could open the door, I grabbed her boob in my hand. “Now you took that the wrong way, I am actually very pleased you decided to come in.” She smiled hesitantly, then came closer and ran her hands down my chest. I started to moan, oh God I can not believe she is going to do this. She leaned up and kissed me.

*Sierra’s POV*

            We got out of the shower, got dressed, and headed down the stairs, I saw Jared sitting on the couch, red-eyed and scared. I walked over to him, and put my arm around his shoulders. He looked at me questionably, and then I understood why he looked like that, we had never met. “Hello I am Sierra I am Luke’s mate.” He looked surprised, “Hello alpha I am Jared, who I guess you know as the man who lost his mate.” I gasped, ‘Do not think that, Maloney is still alive, the rogues are just holding her hostage.” He looked at me surprised. “How do you know that?” Shit, “Well see I am the daughter of the alpha of the rogues and I can see through her eyes sometimes.” ‘What you never told me that!” I looked over to see Luke looking hurt at me. Shit!

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now