Chapter 18

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"Basti, that's enough", I kept shouting for him to stop beating the life out of our team captain of basketball.

"Let me go Tominique", I said angrily.

"We both know what you're going to do if I let you go, Kyline", Tom said and still holding my arms.

My eyes started to fill up in tears.
Please, Basti, stop.

"Don't you fucken dare touch my girl like that ever again, asshole", Basti spat and land another punch in the jaw of the guy.

Alright, that's it.

Right when Basti was about to land another punch, I shouted at him which made him stop... finally.


He snap his head on my way and we made eye contact.

His harden eyes, has softened when he made contact with my teary ones.

He turned back around on the guy, slammed him one last time in the floor and stand up.

He headed towards my way and Tominique, grabbing me and wrapped me in his arms, his face buried in my neck.

"I'm sorry", he murmured.

I hugged him back and whispered, "It's alright, Basti".

He pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"I know I'm not a you know, romantic person", he said shyly and I grinned because of how cute he looks right now, "So, uhm, I will try my best to make this cheesy-ish".

He winked at me and I laughed.

"Cinderella needs Prince Charming, Mickie needs Minnie, Romeo needs Juliet, and a King, just like me, may I add, needs a Queen beside him to prom, so will you be my Queen for prom?" He asked cheekily and I nodded my head while laughing and said, "Yes, of course".

"Nice one", I laughed.

"I tried", he said and winked at me, "Come on, let's go get food, that fighting made me hungry".

"Your knuckles are still bleeding", I commented.

"I'll just wipe it and it's all good", he said and looked at me and put his left arm on my waist.

"Are you sure?" I asked worriedly.


To clarrify the chaos that has occurred earlier. Basti fighting with that asshole.

We were walking or I was walking towards the cafeteria when out of nowhere, that guy, cornered me in the hallway and trapped me in his arms and asked me to go to prom with him.

I said no of course, but he doesn't like it when people say no to him, so he grabbed my ass, which was disgusting, and I slapped him, hard.

He grabbed my ass again and this time, pulled me closer to him and kissed my neck, much more disgusting.

I tried to push him away, but he was still stronger than me.

Basti saw what was happening and grab him and started punching him, saying colorful words here and there.

So that is what happened, no big deal, except when that guy was touching me, eew.

"Well that was a first", Basti said while we were making our way to the cafeteria, his arm still in my waist.


"You saying my first name instead of the nickname you gave me", he answered.


"Yeah", he said with a chuckle. He pushed door of the cafeteria and walked to our table where our friends are waiting.

"Well it's about damn time", Rea snap.

"Well someone's on their period", Basti said which earned him a glare from his twin sister.


"What crawled up your ass, dear sissy", Basti asked.

"Nothing", she muttered.

"Are you still going to ask Alec to prom?" I asked her and she looked at me. "I'm too shy", she answered.

"I can help", I offered.

"Really?" Her face finally brightened.

Definitely on her period.

"Yeah", I shrug my shoulders, "Why not".

She squealed amd kept saying 'thank you' over and over again.

"Bipolar", Basti blurted out.

Rea chunked a french fry at Basti. "Hey", he said.

"Wassup, Hello" Rea said and I stifle a laugh.

"It's me", Chase added and we all looked at him.

"What the friggin' hell", Morisette said.

"That doesn't-what the-you're crazy man", Tominique said and we all burst out laughing.

Oh Chase, what are we going to do with you.

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