Fate. [Alan Ashby]

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So hey guys I been a lot of stories lately so I decided to write one of my own lol I hope you enjoy ! 




I was waking up to the sound of my alarm and just mentally face palming myself for going to be so late.

I turned my alarm off and put some batman shorts on. I went out of my room and didn't hear anyone up yet so I decided to go sit on the front porch to watch the sky light up for a new day.

I watched the sunrise an then decided to get a cup of hot chocolate. Mmm just what I needed right now.

I walked inside heading to the kitchen and bumped into Austin, he was just in his boxers with a look like he was still half asleep.

"Austin! You look like the living dead!!" Shouting whispered so not to wake anyone up.

He looked at me and grinned that famous grin of his and said," I could say the same thing about you, Lexi."

"Oh shush, Mr. Carlile." I said giggling as he went over to make some coffee.

And yes.. This is THE Austin Carlile in the band Of Mice and Men. How did I ever become great friends with him? Well..


I was walking down the school hallways to class when I saw some kids being mean to a person I never seen before. Must be a new kid I though. Me being me I went over to investigate.

I went over to them and heard them making fun of the new kid. He was tall had brown hair and nice eyes.

"Hey fellas do we have a problem here? I said in an annoying tone. 

I just hated bullies that's why I'm so strong because I didn't want to be put down by some punk.

They said,"Mind your own business Kat."

Ugh I hated when the called me that. I mean only close friends called me that, stupid asses.

"Leave the poor kid alone," I stepped between them and the kid. " or else we will have a problem, ok?"

"Geez Kat, always ruining the fun!" He put his hands up and walked away with the other douchebags. I swear I hate those dudes.

I turned around to face the kid and he was just looking at me with surprised eyes.

"Hey sorry about that man." I patted his shoulder and put out my hand."My name is Alexis and what's your name kiddo?"

"A-Austin," he said stuttering a bit. I guess he was just nervous. Aww that's cute.

"We'll it's nice meeting you Austin.. I never seen you before are you new here?" He nodded. 

"We'll than I guess I'll show you around, eh?" He nodded and gave me a big smile that reached his eyes.

From then on we have been best friends, I had supported his career and he let me move in with him. I told him I would be the band photographer and he agreed.


I went over to the kitchen to make me some hot chocolate.

Austin noticed and said,"You are so addicted kitten!" I nodded and smiled a little. "Yupppp" I popped the P.

Soon about mostly everyone in the house was up except for one ginger princess.

"Hmm.. I'm gonna go wake up Alan it's almost noon, geez that guy can sleep!" I said to Austin while he was looking at a newspaper drinking his coffee.

He said," I wouldn't if I were you!"

"Pfft please he won't hurt me.. I think." I said while walking over to his room.

"Your funeral!" Austin called out to me.

I laughed and then turned the knob to his room. I opened it slightly and peeked in. But what I saw caught me off guard. He was sleeping in bed..with some bimbo. Ugh typical.

I decided not to bother and went to my room and put on some clothes. I think I should just go for a car ride and clear my head.

I got out of my room and put on my vans. I called out to the guys, "I'm going out, be back in a while."

Austin said,"What about Alan?"

"He's busy at the fucking moment." I said trying not to sound mad.

"Oh.. Ok want me to come with you kitten?" Austin said.

"Nah it's fine dear see ya in a few."

I went outside and got in my car. See the thing is I like Alan a lot. He never notices because well I'm like the baby in the family, ugh age sucks. The only person I ever told was Austin because I just couldn't hold it in. Whenever Alan brings home a girl, I see Austin give me a weary look but I ignore it and just continue on doing what I'm doing.

I mean why should I cry out my eyes for him?! He doesn't even notice things.

Anyways, in driving down the road to the park. It's so nice there and I know right now it's probably empty. I parked and got out of my car and walked over to the picnic tables. I sit on one and take out a cigarette. Yeah Yeah I know it's bad but I hardly smoke..I only do it sometimes to calm me down.


Woo I finally did the first chapter. I hope you guys liked it (: until next time. Peace out. Rock on. \m/


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