Kyle Imagine

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Hey guys it's Alex and I'm here with my girls Y/N and Shannonnnnn! Alex said into the camera. We were about to do the challenge that was originally planned but we were interrupted by Johnnie and the boys. Alex got up and whispered something to Johnnie. Bryan wanted to have another 8/8 week but my boyfriend Kyle couldn't make it. I was really sad because I hadn't seen him for so long but it is what it is. Shannon got up as well and I so did I. Everyone went to the door and I was confused. " Guys what's going on?
Bryan opened the door slowly and someone walked in. It was Kyle, my boyfriend for two years now. I started tearing up as I ran up to him and jumped onto him with my legs wrapped around his waist. " I missed you too baby " Kyle said into the crook of my neck. I saw the flashes of cameras and I knew the members of mde were snapchating this. I got off Kyle and hugged my favorite people in the world. I thanked them, let Kyle say hi to the other members and went back to hugging him.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora