Jeydon Imagine

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I was sitting on the couch when my phone had a notification. It read " Jeyyounit11 posted a photo. " I unlocked it and clicked the notification. It went to Instagram and showed a cute picture of Jeydon. The comments and likes were nonstop so I decided to comment. I commented " Damn Jeydon back at it again with the random selfies. " I was expecting Jeydon not to see it but I'm guessing he did because two seconds later I got a notification reading " jeyyounit11 commented: " :( your so mean Y|N ".
I commented back saying " Too bad wale. :3 " . Jeydon and I had a full on conversation and it was great. After a awhile we stopped and I got a text from him it read: " Good Night my love. I hope you have a good night sleep and have a good day tomorrow. I love you btw I'll get you back from all those mean comments :( . " I texted back saying " Good night Jeydon I love you too and I'll see for Myslef. " and with that you fell asleep thinking of the boy that drives you crazy.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora