Shannon Imagine

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Today is Shannon and I's two year anniversary of dating and being in My Digital Escape. Shannon is so beautiful. She is stunning and just so fucking amazing. She's so perfect for me.

Shannon's p.o.v
" Hey y/n " I said
" Hey beautiful " She said back
" What do you want to do today? " I asked
" Um want to go to Hot Topic and just come back here and watch some movies? " She replied
" Sure sounds fun "
* time skip *
" Finally home " I said
" Yeah time to watch the movies " she said

Y/N's p.o.v
" Hey Shan can I - " I paused mid sentence
Shannon fell asleep. I took the chance to post a sleeping Shannon on my snapchat story.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora