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Okay so this whole Chris and Mackenzie thing is stupid. Chris and Mackenzie are so cringey. Damon is at least real and truthful. Mackenzie is honestly fucking stupid. She lost a lot of followers on Twitter so she tweets this.

Really? You lost so many followers Bc you faked an assault? Now you want people to follow you even though you fucked yourself over? Pathetic

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Really? You lost so many followers Bc you faked an assault? Now you want people to follow you even though you fucked yourself over? Pathetic.

Now Chris tweets this

 Exactly why would he come talk you? Damon knows it was staged

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Exactly why would he come talk you? Damon knows it was staged.
Well Damon knows the guy that plays the " ex " in both of Mackenzie and Chris's videos.

Chris wants to talk about drama?
His fucking girlfriend channel is filled with fake ass shit and nothing but drama.

I unfollowed and unsubbed from both of them.

Damon tweeted about how he get sad for he people that were emotional affected by the video. He felt bad for the people that were sacred or sad for them Bc they faked it. Then I tweeted this.

Okay rant done but holy fuckinh shit

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Okay rant done but holy fuckinh shit.
Chris and Mackenzie, grow the fuck up.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora