Kyle imagine.

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* you and the MDE members are shooting Bryan's " Tonight " music video *
( if you don't like Bryan's music sucks for you )

Kyle's p.o.v

" Okay so y/n and Kyle you guys are going to do the shopping carts with Johnnie and Alex. " Bryan said
" Okay, but I need to ask you a question privately. " I said
As I pulled Bryan aside I saw y/n looking at us but she looked the other way talking to Alex and Shannon.
" So um are me and y/n doing the kiss at the end? " I asked
" Yes you asked me to have you guys do it instead of me and Tabby. " Bryan replied.
" Well I'm kinda second guessing. " I said.
" I'm sure it won't ruin anything. Plus you like her. I'll make sure to tell her when we're about to shoot. " Bryan smiled and walked off.

Y/n ' s p.o.v

" What do you think they were talking about? " I asked Alex and Shannon.
" You " they said in unison.
" Oh god guys. " I said.
" Well it's true. I mean you guys obviously have a thing. " Shannon replied.
" As much as I want Kyle to like me back it's probably going to ruin our friendship if we break up or something." I stated.
" I doubt it. " they both said and we walked to the other members.

Kyle walked over to me and put his arm around my waist.
Kyle and I were really close so I didn't mind but I also liked him so that's also why I didn't mind.
" It's really pretty at night isn't it. " Kyle said looking up at the sky.
" Yeah it is." I say looking at him.
Kyle looked at me and we both smiled.
Kyle turned so he was facing me and put his hand on my cheek and leaned in.
" Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. " I repeated in my head.
Kyle and I were inches away from each other's lips.
" Hey guys, Bryan wants us t-... Oh well Nevermind then I'll just go" Shannon said laughing.
I looked down at my feet and smiled.
" We should go. " Kyle said.

Part two??
Comment for part two.
If I don't get any replies I won't to do a part two.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora