Bryan Imagine

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" Hey guys it's y|n and today I'm here with bryannnnnnn " I said to the camera.
" Hey guys " Bryan said smiling
" Okay so today we are doing a Q and A from comments on Twitter. " We continued doing comments until it came to a question for Bryan.
" um this ones for you " I said to Bryan
" Do you have a crush on y|n ? " Bryan said
There was a long pause until Bryan finally spoke.
" Um actually yeah I do " Bryan said
" Aw that sucks for all the ship- . Wait what? " I said
" I do " Bryan said before leaning in
Bryan and I kissed after a long time of secretly having a crush on each other.
A/n : im sorry it's really short. I have a bad headache and this is the only time I'm able to update so I'm sorry ;-;.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora