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So if you read my last imagine you saw what I had to say about the situation. Now I was clearly upset about the situation. Now if you guys have a Twitter and know Damon Fizzy he tweeted about how it looks staged and it looks fake. I was like " I wanna look back at the video now. " I looked back at it like literally two or three minutes ago and it does look staged. Kenzie looks like she's laughing instead of crying. I'm sure her ex would have done more shit to Chris then just putting him down on the floor. Kenzie said they ran for like ever but there was only like two second of them running in the video. It does seem fake. I haven't been watching Kenzie for a long time but her storytimes seem like there not real. If there doing it for views and subs I don't understand why Chris would do it too. Like Kenzie's " I leaked my sex tape " video was stupid as fuck and seem fake as shit. If you don't agree with me don't get salty and all that shit I'm just saying my opinion. I love Chris but it this is all fake I'm going to be really upset bc the video made me feel scared for them. If it was all fake I'm going to be dissapointed in Chris.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora