Johnnie Imagine

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Kayelia is my bestfriend. I know I should say Alex is because she's my girlfriend but they both are. Everyone in MDE is my bestfriend but I have a stronger love for Kayelia. I moved in with Alex recently and it's been good but I realized more that I kinda have feelings for Kayelia. Kayelia has been staying with us for five days now. I've been spending all day with her. Only because Alex went out and hasn't come back yet. She only told us she went to the park to visit a old friend but she never told me who.

" Kayelia? " I ask looking at her.

" Yeah Johnnie? " she replied with her eyes locked on her phone.

" Should we go look for Alex? " I ask.

" If you want Johnnie . "

I get up and grab my keys. She best jot aswell and we head out. As soon as we got at the park we began to look for her.  We looked around for a few minutes until we found her with a guy. My jaw fell when I saw Alex kissing the guy she was with. My eyes started to water and I looked at Kayelia. Kayelia took me into her arms and hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay. We went back to the appartment but this time she drove. I grabbed my things and we headed to her place in San Diego.

After a few months of not being with Alex and living with Kayelia it's been good. Kayelia was sitting next to me when I finally said " I love you ". She said it back and after that we dated and I knew she wouldn't cheat on me.

I hope you liked it!
I know Alex wouldn't do any of this because she's a smol ass bean.
Anyways I wanted this to be after MDE broke up Bc it makes more sense like that.

This imagine was for  @_i_d0nt_know_

Special thanks to Luna for the idea!

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora