Johnnie Imagine.

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A|N: okay so this imagine is like this video. Mackenzie Marie's ex boyfriend tried to hurt Chris and Mackenzie. Chris is smol as fuck so I'm using Johnnie in this imagine and I think he's less likely to fight someone. ( my opinion don't get crazy ). So in this video after Mackenzie's ex try's to pin Chris down for keeping him away from Kenzie he try's to go grab Kenzie. Chris gets the fuck up and grabs her ex and punches him the throat and they fucking run. This is an imagine Bc I thought what Chris did for her was cute as shit and stuff but honestly the guys a fucking asshole for not leaving them alone. You don't fucking do that kind of shit. Okay so imagine time. ( oh and you and Johnnie are bestfriends and are not dating. )

Y|N's pov
Johnnie and are going out to eat at our favorite restaurant. Everyone thinks we're dating so I know rumors have been spreading a lot recently. People often ask us If were dating but we always say no. While Johnnie and I are out eating and I get a call from my ex boyfriend Mike. After I don't answer the first time he keeps calling me. My first instinct was to block him like I do normally if I don't know the person. Then I get a text from an unknown number and from there he tells me he's on his way. I look and I see I sent him my location.

" Oh fuck " I say as I turn to Johnnie.

" What? What's wrong? " Johnnie says worried.

" I fucking sent him my location on accident. " I replied scared.

" Should we leave? " I ask.

" No we will be okay. " He says back.

" People think we're dating Johnnie. We won't be okay if he fucking thinks that we're dating. " I say even more worried than before.

He looks at me and try's to comfort me. We then leave the restaurant and there was Mike sitting on his car and I'm fucking terrified. He looks pissed off. I've never fucking seen him this mad. He comes up to us and says how dare I fucking date Johnnie. He try's to grab me but Johnnie grabs him and pushes him off. Mike goes to him and try's to punch him. Mike pushed him to the floor. I then start to run to find some help. I start to scream "help" while running. He catches up to me and starts to grab me. Johnnie gets up and pushes him off and punches him right in the eye. Mike stumbles back and falls to the floor. We start running and we kept running for what seemed like forever. We get to this neighborhood and we sit down. We were out of breath and tired as fuck. Johnnie stands up and I do the same. He looks at me and smiles. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him quickly crying. He calms me down and pulls away.

" I'm so fucking gald your okay! No one and I mean no one fucking lays their hands on you as long as I'm alive. I fucking love you y|n and I always have. " Johnnie says looking me in the eyes but also out of breath.

" No I'm fucking gald your okay! You could have gotten hurt so fucking bad so could I! I-I just wish I could have prevented this! Johnnie I love you so fucking much! I say crying.

He pulled me in for a kiss and we then go to the police station.

Part two?? Comment below for another part!
Btw I didn't look back @ this so if there are any mistakes don't mind them.

My Digital Escape Imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora