Sophie's Story

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"So what happened to your dad?" Sophie asked, it had been a few days since she and Jim had gotten together, she was sewing some of the crew's clothing while Jim washed the ones she had fixed. With the question asked, he stopped and gave Sophie a short glare before composing himself, though she was rather oblivious as she was looking for any other tears in a shirt. "He left, not that he paid much attention to me anyway. Even my mom doesn't understand what went wrong." Jim explained, his voice lower than normal – he knew he shouldn't get angry with her, she was just asking because she cared. "That's awful. I know it's a tough thing for you to talk about... I was just worried, that's all." Sophie replied, a sad expression on her face – she wasn't sure about talking to Jim about what happened to her mother, her father's death was easier to deal with but her mother's was an extremely cruel fate. "Thanks. You okay?" Jim smiled a little, it dropped seeing the teary look on the blonde's face, ignoring Silver's orders to not distract one another – he moved closer to her and cupped her cheek in his hand. Seeing a distant look in her eyes, it worried him, she was shy and quiet but not distant. "Whatever it is, you can talk about it." Jim assured, Sophie shook her head a little, her fists clenching the shirt in her hand making Jim clutch on of hers in his free hand. "I know I'm a hypocrite but I want to know that you're ok." He continued, was it something he had said? "I'm fine, really." She smiled despite feeling ready to break down, Jim opened his mouth to speak but the teary look in her dark blue eyes made him drop it and he slowly returned to his post, glancing at Sophie every now and then.

"It's my mother, I'm jealous you still have yours." Sophie spoke suddenly, Jim stopped peeling potatoes and looked at her in concern. "You're an...?" He started, she nodded, "An orphan, yes." She clarified, her voice soft. He gaped at her, he assumed her parents were alive and well from the way she acted, as if nothing bad had happened in her life. "My father was killed whilst carrying out a delivery, I was on board but didn't see him pass on. He was a good man, to this day... I don't know why the ship was attacked, nothing important was being carried... just paper and ink." Sophie explained sadly, Jim watched her with caring eyes – not knowing what to say or, especially if she cried. "I miss him, only knew him for six years. I used to write his letters, he's the reason why I study different languages and culture at the Academy." Sophie continued, smiling a little at the memory. "What about your mother?" Jim asked, regretting it as he felt intrusive, Sophie turned her head to him. "She was murdered. Poisoned if you want to be specific... After my father died, this... man showed up saying he was an old friend of my mother's. He was kind to us and helped us through my dad's death but after I turned eight he changed." Sophie spoke, her voice getting more emotional with each word, a shaking anger. Jim watched as her fists clenched and flexed as she composed herself, "He poisoned her, then took me away when I found out... It's hard talking about it still but stuff... stuff happened." She continued angrily, however her voice choked back a sob as she went through her memories, shutting her eyes tight. Jim got up from his stool and embraced her, the blonde's head fell onto his shoulder as she cried onto him, instead of backing off he rubbed circles on her back hoping it would help as he buried his face into her hair. She smelled like fresh linen, much better than cheap perfume that Jim was accustomed to smelling on Montressor, she was literally a breath of fresh air to him.

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