Chapter 12

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Lucy's pov**

I ran. I ran into a forest. I sat down and held my breath to calm down my breathing. I used my dragon sense of hearing, I couldn't hear anything. I got up and started running again. I tripped over a log on the ground.

I crawled and leaned against a rock and started whiping the sweat off my body. The sun was starting to set and the tempature was dropping. I rubbed my arms for heat.

I heard rustling from a large bush nearby. I stood up slowly and someone jumped out. It had beating red eyes and canine teeth with the body of a wolf.

It started growling at me. I took a few steps back and then took off runningg again. I can't keep going. My legs are giving out. The large wolf man was hot on my tail.

I used the rest of my magic energy to turn into a shadow and get away. I started limping around the forest until I saw a fire. I cautiously walked toward the light.

I coughed when I inhaled the smoke from the fire. I reached the fire which was located on a tiny little beach. Like someone made it. I sat down on the sand and started pulling all of the twigs and leaves that were stuck on my feet. I whinced in pain and scooted toward the water.

The cold water felt refreshing on my feet. It also helped clean the blood off of my feet which is also a plus. "A-are you alright?" A man's voice came from behind me. I snapped my head the other way. I got on my feet but started falling until he caught me before I landed on the floor.

"Thats was fast." I said giggling slightly. "Part of my magic. What are you doing out in the middle of nowhere at this time? Also, why are you so beat up?" The man with red hair said. "I went in the forest to get my mind off of things but something started chasing me." I said as he bandaged my feet and legs.

"Theres a lot of things in the forest. Be careful." He said putting away his supplies. "Uh by the way I never got your name." I said staring at him. "Oh how rude of me, I'm Peru." He said smiling. "I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you." I said smiling back at him.

"Wait Lucy you say? Aren't you part of that Fairy Tail guild?" He said crossing his arms. "Yea. What guild are you from?" I asked shivering.

"I'm not apart of a guild. Here. Take this." Peru said giving me his sweatshirt he was wearing. "Don't you want this?" I asked holding it in my hand. "Nah. I've got like a million sweatshirts. Shouldn't you get back to your guild?"

I sighed. "I would if I could." I said putting on his sweatshirt. "What do you mean by 'if you could'?" Peru said drinking a water bottle. "I can't really move since my body is so sore." I said shrugging. "I'll help you." Peru wrapped his right arm on the left side of my torso.

"T-thanks. You're s really nice person Peru." I said whincing at the pain from walking. "Don't mention it." Peru had red hair, the color remnded me of Natsu's fire. His eyes. His eyes reminded me of Grays.

On the way back to the beach, the wolf man came back. At this point Peru used his magic to defeat him but there was many more. Peru vanished in mid-air.
"Geesh, thanks for the help asshole." I muttered as I took off running.

Ignoring the pain I kept going. Me being a lazy bimbo, I tripped. I used my dragon force which I totally regretted. It was a force field that protected me. I had no power left so I dont know how I managed to pull off a spell the used so much of my magic.

I was crawling as the wolf men were banging on my force field. My knees started aching so I decided to walk. I wobbled from side to side. I finally could see the beach. I could feel myself going in and out of consciousness.

I can't keep this up.
Than everything went black.



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