Chapter 16

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Lucy's pov. **

I sat up straight on the bed with an ice pack resting on my head. I still don't know what Natsu meant when he said 'you're memories are back'... did something happen to me? I sighed and leaned my head back. I sneezed. "Sounds like someone caught a cold." Erza said walking in.

"I don't know how though. It's really hot here. It's kinda impossible to catch a cold in such a hot and humid area. Which reminds me, when are we gonna go back to the guild? I miss everyone- hey! Where's Rouge?" I said looking around.

"Oh, I just bumped into Rouge as I was walking to come here. He said something about getting breakfast." Erza said crossing her arms over her chest. Laughing was heard from outside. "Sounds like the rest of them are having fun." Erza said smiling a little bit.

"Yea! Let's go join them!" I said looking up at Natsu. Natsu immediately took off running towards the beach. I put both my feet on the floor and started walking all wobbly. "Here.. uh.. let me help." Erza said wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "Thanks. I just need to change. I can do that by myself." I said as I grabbed my swimsuit.

"Here, you go change and I'll wait out there." She said setting me down on the closed toilet seat. I peeled off the damp nightgown and put on a black bikini. I stood and was really wobbly again. "God, get a grip Lucy." I mumbled to myself. All of a sudden I felt a very sharp pain in my left leg which caused me to yelp.

"Lucy? You alright?" Erza said knocking from the other side of the door. "Y-yea." I squinted my eyes to stop the tears from flowing. Erza came in and helped me. I sucked up the pain so she wouldn't tell the others and make them worry about me.

We walked down onto the balcony. "Do you think you can take the stairs down? Or do you wanna go down the flat ramp?" Erza said stopping. "I can take the ramp by myself." I said releasing myself from Erza. "Lucy, you just woke up-" I put my hand over Erza's mouth. "I can do it Erza. I'm a big girl." I said and giggled.

"Okay 'big girl'. Holler if you need help!" Erza said and went over by Mira, who was sun tanning. I immediately went over the metal bar on the ramp and used it for support. "Get it together!" I shouted at myself. I limply and slowly walked across the ramp moaning in pain but hid the pain once they gang spotted me.

"Hey Luce! Glad to see you're okay!" Mira shouted. I gave her a smile in return. I was walking to the shore and sat down. Let me tell you, it was painful. I let the water hit my legs and splash in my face.

"Lucy, you look like a mermaid!" Wendy exclaimed. I looked over at her and smiled. "Thank you." I said sweetly. "By the way, me, Gray, Juvia and Carla are gonna go grab some ice cream, would you like to join us?"

A frightened face flashed across my face but I quickly hid it. "Uh.. no thank you." I played it off with a smile. "Okay! Well, see ya later!" She said and caught up with the rest of her group.

I looked down at the sand and let my bangs fall onto my head and let out a loud sigh. "So how long are you gonna keep this up?" I got frightened and shoved myself further back, I let out a yelp of pain. "Y-you could tell?" I asked looking up at Jellal. "Pretty obvious." He chuckled.

"How did you know we where here?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "I didn't actually. I'm here with my friend Peru further down the shore more." He said scratching the back of his head. Peru. I know him! He's the one who helped me not that long ago.

"Sounds like fun." I said grabbing a handful of sand and letting it slip through my fingers. "Yeah, I'll go get Wendy to heal-" I grabbed his arm as he turned to walk away. "Don't. I don't need them to worry about me anymore then they are." I said looking down again. "Okay. At least let me take you back to your room and see if theres a nurse somewhere." Jellal said kneeling down.

"No. I'm fine. Really." I smiled looking down ag the floor. "Yo Luce! Oh hey Jellal! What's brought you here?" Natsu said running his hand through his wet hair. "Oh, Hey Natsu. I just saw Lucy sitting here alone and wanted to see if she needed anything. Since you're here I'll be heading off. Bye!" Jellal said and went off.

Jellal's pov.**

I needed to tell Natsu about Lucy. As I stood up to walk away I used my telepathic powers to tell Natsu about Lucy. 'Somethings happened to Lucy's legs. She's in a lot of pain. She doesnt want anyone to know since she doesnt want anyone to worry about her. Please take her to Wendy and have her get checked out.'

Natsu's pov.**

I smiled and waved to Jellal as he left. All of a sudden Jellal's voice rang through my head. 'Somethings happened to Lucy's legs. She's in a lot of pain. She doesnt want anyone to know since she doesnt want anyone to worry about her. Please take her to Wendy and have her get checked out.'
I cleched my fists together. Something happened to Lucy? Why wouldn't she tell us? More importantly why wouldn't she tell-

"Natsu all you alright?" Lucy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Lucy's pov.**

"Natsu all you alright?" I asked getting worried about his facial expression. "Huh? Yea why?" He said releasing his fists. "You sure? You can talk to me if you-" Natsu cut me off. His head hung low and his hair covered his bangs and his fists clenched once again.

"Why?" Natsu said in a soft angry voice. "Huh?" I said getting nervous. "Why won't you let me care for you? Why won't you let me worry about you?" He stared at me with a cold expression. "Natsu, what are you-"

"Stop with the bullshit. Stand up." He said releasing his fists but keeping the cold tone in his voice. "Natsu I'm perfectly capable of getting-"

"I said stand up." Natsu growled at me. What happened to him? Natsu squatted down to be level with me. "Jellal told me." Natsu said staring intensely at me. I immediately knew what his was talking about.

"We're not supposed to be keeping secrets between each other. Especially when you're in pain."

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