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He kissed the girl he was playing with and felt her lipstick being too sour on his mouth. But he hold on to it till the courtian dropped. He heard the huge applause rolling over the theatre, and relief was burning in his chest. He was alive, the play went well, and no one attacked him.

„You did great," the girl smiled to him.

„You too," he muttered stepping away from her and keeping his distance.

They were plying lovers seconds ago now they were just colegues from work. A little bit like with him and Dylan, this painful thought crossed his mind, but he wanted it to be this way.

„Out, out, for the bow," Dorian rushed between the cast.

Thomas walked out into the lights the audience was up and the standing ovation put tears in his eyes. He grabbed the girl's hand and bowed down smiling.

Then the actors disappeared backstage. Thomas saw his mother runnig to him when he was on his way to the changingroom.

„Honey, it was marvelous," she kissed his cheek and lef her red lipstick stain on it.

„Thanks mum," Thomas smiled and she tried to wash her lipstick off his cheek with her fingertip.

„Leave it mum," Thomas wniced.

„Sorry I'm forgetting how much of a man you are?" she had tears in her eyes.

Thomas looked around. All the people around him came and shook his hand. They congratulated but he was looking for only one, he couldn't find anywhere.

He reached his chagingroom door and saw about ten fans. Mostly teenage girls wit glowing eyes and little gifts and flowers in their hands.

„Thomas can I have a photo with you?" asked a girl right next to him.

„Sure," Thomas smiled

But in this moment the girl was pushed on a wall by a grey haired man that approached Thomas. A knife was glittring in his hand when it reflected the dim theatreligh and Thomas froze unable to move or scream. So did the girls.

The man rose the knife and hit with it but it clided with a strong stetched out hand diving deep into it's flesh.

Now Thomas heard his own scream. He watched in horror how the man stabbed Dylan, who jumped between them with the knife. Dylan ignored the blade in his forearm and slammed the man on the floor. He hit the guy and blood covered he man's face. Seconds later scurity rushed to them and grabbed the man pulling him out of the buliding, while Dylan removed the knife out of his hand with a painful expression. He gave it to another guard and stand up catching air.

Red steams of blood were dripping down his hand.

„You're hurt, you're hurt!" Thomas suddenly jumped to Dylan and grabbed his face in his little hands. He kissed Dylan's lips pressing them to his own with all the love, and missing, and fear he had.

„I'm fine," Dylan looked him right in the eyes and Thomas felt the tears rolling down his cheeks. „We need a doctor," he shouted looking around.

„That's not necessary," Dylan looked at his feet.

„Thomas. . ." Mrs. Smith run ro the boys. „Oh Dylan you're hurt."

„Get a doctor for him, come into th changingroom," Thomas opened the door and Dylan stepped inside.

„Your fans are waiting," whispered Dylan placing himself on a pouf right next to the mirror.

„I'm not going anywhere, I'm so sorry I as so stupid," Thomas crawled on the pouf behind his boyfriend and put his skinny arms around his waist. He felt Dylan's warm back pressed against him and he suddenly felt calm and safe.

„I love you so much," Thomas kissed Dylan's neck.

„You're such an idiot sometimes," Dylan smiled.

„Thy're here!" the door was slammed and Mrs. Smith appeared insied with a man in white.

„Oh that's a bad cut," the doctor stepped to the boys. „I recomend to go to the hospital, some stitches might be needed," said the man, he placed the firts aid on the table next the mirror.

„Just put something on it, so it'll stop bleeding," said Dylan.

The man sighed but took a bandage out of the first aid box.

He moved closer to Dylan but than Thomas sprung up.

„I'll do it," he took the gauze and hydrogen peroxide and washed the blood around the cut away.

„I see I'm not wished here, goodbye Mrs. Smith," the doctor seened offended when he left the room.

„No one touches my Dylan," whispered Thomas with a huge smile on his face.

„Youre possesive cutie," Dylan raisd his eyeborw.

Thomas kept smiling. He finnished washing the blood off and started to bear the cut.

„Some professional help might be necessary, boys," Mrs. Smith looked at them.

But Thomas finnished bandaging and returned to his favourite spot on the pouf with his head on Dylan's shoulder and his arms around his love.

„What if one day I'll be to late?" Dylan seemed sad.

Thomas felt the huge burden they all carried.

„I have a idea," he said.

And he explained it to the only people one Earth he trusted right now.

They left the changingroom. Mrs. Smith was first, than Thomas and Dylan. Thomas stopped and gave photos and signatures for the still scared fans. He waved to them and run to Dylan grabbing his hand and interwining their fingers.

„It's not a good idea," whispered Dylan and his breath danced on Thomas' ear.

„Why?" Thomas felt his tears coming back.

„Because they can't know how much I love you, they can use it against us," Dylan looked at Thomas seriously.

„Sure," Thomas let go of his hand.

„At home you can get whatever you want and more," Dylan smiled when he whispered the last words into Thomas' ear while gliding his tongue behind it. Thomas felt a shiver.

„So hurry up," he said looking into the pearcing brown eyes he was always drawn to.

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