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The shot swept him of his feet and Thomas felt pain betwen his ribs but he was alive and ok. He acted dead and kept his breathing as quiet and little as possible while the world around him turned into madness. He was grabbed by Zero and two medical people and carried to the ambulance. They gave him a oxygen mask and he heard the door of the ambulance shut.

„He's alive," whispered one of the nurses.

„He is, but no one can know. It's a plan we made out with the police to catch the one paying the money," whispered Zero. "The official statement is he's dead till I'll tell you to say the opposite way."

„What about his family?" the young woman glanced at Zero.

"His mother knows," said Zero and the woman nodded.

„Can I breath by my own?" asked Thomas taking the mask of his face.

„Are you hurt?" asked the nurse.

„No, It hurts a little between the ribs but the bulletproof vest did a great job," Thomas smiled.

The young woman leaned above him and unbuttoned his shirt. She glanced at Zero when she spotted the fake bloodbag. She untied the bulletproof vest and glanced at the boy's chest.

„The bruise is big, he might have a broken or a lest a sprained rib," she said pressing her hands to the swollen place and Thomas winced.

"I'm fine," he wispered.

„I'm getting him out of the hospital to a safe palce, just after we arrive, if you can do something to help him have less pain do it now," said Zero.

The nurs siged.

She took a yellow substance and put it on the bruise.

„It's cold," Thomas winced again.

"Can you sit up," said the woman and Thomas nodded getting in a sitting position while she put a tight bandage around his chest..

"We better make a x-ray of it," said the nurse.

„Tomorrwo you can cure him as much as you like, today we need to keep it secret," Zero was serious and the woman gave in.

She gave Thomas a painkiller injection and he felt dizzy.

"Approaching the hospital!" said the ambulance driver who heard the whole conversation. „And the press is already here."

„Thomas lay down and don't move," Zero tossed a white sheet over him and he trembled.

It was like a movie but a real one and he felt nervous. He was so worried about Dylan. He hoped the by was alright. When he thought about the lonely Dylan stepping into whatever place the benefactor chose to met him Thomas felt unberabl pain. But Dylan was stronga and clever, he could defend himself, and Thoma needed to concentrte on the hop he had.

„Take the underground garge," said Zero. „Your mum and Kaya must go through the front door they will have a rugh way," said Zero then the ambulance made its way along the paparazzis and the flashes hit the windows and Zero laid her head batween her knees avoiding to be cought on the pictures.

Soon the flashes fade and the ambulance entered the darkness of the underground car park.

„Talk to Dr. Nelson only," said Zero glancing at the driver and the nurse.

"What about the police," asked the woman.

„I'll take care of it," said Zero.

She glanced at Thomas and tossed the sheet over his head and he tried to stop his breath as long as possible. The nurse and the diver pushed him out of the ambulance into a rolling bed and into the hspial bulidng.

Zero was right behind them.

„The actor that got shot is it him?" asked a woman's voice.

„He's dead. Get dr. Nelson," said the nurse and Thomas heard rushed footsteps.

He was rolled to a elevator and it clicked when the door closed.

„Hurry up," Zero was impatient.

The elevator opened an he was rolled down a corridor and through a cracknig door. There the bed stopped.

„I'll wait here, talk to dr. Nelson only," said Zero and the door cracked again when the nurse and the driver left. Zero took the sheet Thomas and he gasped.

He glanced around and saw a cold room with a dim green light around him.

The door opened and he nearly jumped up but relaxed when he saw Kaya and his mum followd by a older doctor.

„Honey," Mrs. Smith run to Thoma and hugged him causing pain in his bruised rib.

„Mum it's ok we have no time," Thomas was serius.

"But honey," she said.

„Here," Kaya took her bag off and handed to him.

He opened it and grabbed the clothes she brought him and stripped to his boxer shorts ignring how many people were watching him. He chnged qickly into the loose jeans, a white t-shirt with some band names and a black jacket with a hood they had brought him.

„Ready?" he glanced at Zeo.

"I think it's too dangerous," whisperd th doctor.

„I think you should mind your own busines," said Thomas getting anrgy.

„Honey," Mrs. Smith was pale.

"By mum, take care," Thomas kissed her cheek and hugged Kaya. „Take care of her Pumpkin," he sai and Kaya sniffed.

He nodded to the doctor and saw that Zero checked the gun under her coat.

„let's go," she said opening the door and Thoas folowed her tossing the hood over his head.

He kept his head low and his hands in his jeans pockets. He tried to walk in a diferent way than usual and Zero reached a emergency exit and opened it with a stuff card. Thomas jumped inside and saw a staircase.

„Up," said Zero and Thomas followed her quickly till they reached the roof. He herd a sound in the air and saw a navy helicopter landing next to them and causinga lot of wind.

"I got fake police helicoptert no one will track that," Zero looked at Thomas and he managed to smile.

Hello, thank you for staying with this story. The next chapter might answer one of the most important questions.

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