Chapter 8 The Alliance

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I held up my palm as Kyle did the same one of his elders held up a beautiful ceremonial knife the blade was made out of onyx and had serpents carved into the beautiful dark stone, the edge was wicked sharp, the handle of the dagger was made of an old bone which had beautiful carvings of every shifter, all shifters had a knife similar to this one the only difference was the stone in which the blade was made of and the animal on the blade. The elder looked each of us in the eyes then turned to the audience, "we have all gathered to see the alliance of the two tribes the reptilians and the felines. They have come before us to show our kind can and will fight beside each other, we are brought together by war but will depart with peace this pact will be eternal until our great rulers parish." With that he slashed our palms, our blood dripped into a bowl. Once the blood had mixed the elder offered the cup to me and I took a sip and forced myself to swallow it was repulsive it had the rusty metallic taste that all blood had mixed with something else I couldn't place Kyle took a sip and nearly gaged I had to hold back a giggle. The elder grabbed our slashed palms and placed them together Kyle's eyes flashed like a cats and I'm sure my flashed like a serpents that meant our people were combined till Kyle or I died. After the Kyle and I wandered off into the forest to talk away from everyone.

"Sapphire do you have a mate?" Kyle asked me suddenly. I stopped walking, "yes I do." I looked at him oddly.

He nodded his head what does he look like perchance?" He asked me.

"Well....he has hair kinda like mine and grey blue eyes he about 5'5 5'6 really sweet and he has a quirky accent I can't place." My thoughts began to wander thinking of my mate but I broke away from those thoughts when I heard Kyle hiss I looked over at his and notice scales creeping up his arms I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Kyle what's the matter?"

"Ask your pathetic excuse for a mate." He said anger flashing in his eyes with that he turned around and stormed off I stared at him confused I sat down on a rock and pulled my feet up to my chest, what did Kyle mean? I sighed I stripped out of the black ceremonial dress one of the women gave me to wear I folded it neatly and placed on the rock next to me I pulled off my panties placing them on top I shifted into my leopard and began to run not thinking of anything just the dirt under my paws and the whistling in my fur. I ran for hours until my muscles ached I slowed to a walk I looked for a tall tree I found a tall and thick pine tree I shifted into a clouded leopard and scaled the tree I climbed till I couldn't anymore and laid down on a branch I sighed and let one paw dangle down I laid my head on my other paw as I swished my tail back and forth lazily I fell asleep and dreamt of my parents.

*Sapphire's dream*

"Where am I?" I asked looking around. I was in a beautiful clearing filled with all kinds of beautiful tropical flowers the area around it was a dense forest area. Two cats a emerged one a beautiful caracal the other a jaguar. "Mom dad?" I asked softly.

They nodded their proud heads. They shifted into their human selves I smiled and ran and hugged the tight they hugged me just as tight.

"I've miss you guys so much." I cried tears spilling down my cheeks.

"We know, but you've grown so much in the last few weeks then many people have in years." My father replied wiping away the tears.

"Sweet heart you need to go back to your people they need you right now to show them we can win this war." My mother said tucking a strand behind my ear.

"But we don't have enough people to help us Mom we only have the reptiles." I replied.

"Go to the avians they will help, they have a grudge against the hunters." My father said

I nodded my head, "I will,"

They kissed my forehead, "remember my little gem we love you." My father said as everything around us began to fade. I awoke on the tree I climbed down and ran to the camp I had to tell Lilly, Muse, Justin and Kyle we were going to war.

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