Chapter 11 Inner Battles

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Cas and I stood awkwardly as the reptiles gave us dirty looks, "We shouldn't have come here." I said with a sigh.

Cas nodded in agreement, "Im just glad Lilly is safe."

I sighed before I could reply Sapphore, Lilly, Muse, Justin and Kyle came out of the tent I notice Kyle grab Sapphire and pull her back whispering something in her ear she nodded then hugged him, I growled with jealousy, and Cas snickered, I glared at him and noticed Sapphire walking towards me. I held my arms out for her and she just shook her head, "Cas you're going with Lilly and Kyle to get the rest of the felines together. Leon you're coming with Justin, Muse and I to the avians." She said simply. She turned heel and walked back over to Lilly they talked then burst out laughing. I looked at Cas confused and he shrugged his shoulders, I noticed Kyle walk over to them, he said something that made them both laugh hysterically, I don't know what it was about Kyle but he rubbed me the wrong way, I noticed Cas bristling at my side we both started over to them as soon as we were in hearing range the girls instantly sobered up, "Lilly make sure we stick to our plan and Kyle stay out of trouble." Sapphire commanded.

Kyle looked down sheepishly, "Yes your majesty."

Lilly and Sapphire giggled, "Kyle shut up before I make you." Sapphire threatened.

He smiled at her, "well if it involves my lips meeting yours I'm happy to." He said with a smirk my way

I snarled, "Don't speak to her that way. I ground out through clenched teeth my jaw creaked from how hard I was clenching my jaw. Sapphire placed a soothing hand on my arm I calmed instantly, "I'm sorry sapphire." I whispered softly.

She sighed, "it's alright Leon, you're my mate you don't want to hurt me I understand you had someone to protect." She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled her into my chest breathing in her scent of roses and coconut, I pulled away, "before we go I'd like you to meet my mother."

She nodded and we walked to the tent they had given my mother and sister, when we walked in I noticed Rose fussing, I walked over to my mother and picked her up gently rocking her, "Sapphire meet my sister Rose and my mother." I looked down at Rose and kissed her forehead softly. I handed her back. Sapphire had an odd look on her face she shook her head, "it's nice to meet you." She said softly I noticed tears welling in her eyes my mother noticed too. She looked at me and gave me a look that said comfort her. I wrapped my arms around her and let her lean into my touch, I felt her stiffen and pull away. She squared her shoulders and turned sharply walking away, "what was that about?" I asked my mother.

"She is a queen, she's not allowed to show weakness, no matter how badly she's hurting."

I sighed and followed after her, I noticed Lilly and Sapphire leaning close to one another whispering, I cocked an eyebrow, Cas shrugged and shifted I sighed and stripped and shifted as well I noticed Justin and Muse had already shifted and were waiting patiently, Kyle was standing by them with his arms crossed I sighed with shame when I saw the scars on his chest, I had wanted to help him but my father had beat me severely when he noticed I had tried to. I sighed the past was the last. Sapphire and Lilly broke apart and walked over to their groups, I sighed trailing after her Sapphire looked at all of us and said, "Lets get our homes back."


Hey guys I decided I was gonna shed a little light on what Leon has been thinking. So I'm sorry I haven't been updating as often as I should Ive been extremely busy lately I'm sorry I'm trying my hardest I swear. Anyway I hope you've all enjoyed this series so far I know I love writing it and no it's not even close to being done so don't worry. I'm just gonna take a break for a little I'm really sorry

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