Dragon Rage: A Memory

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🐲On side is the young Alex🐉

I watched Caleb as he dragged the Demon away from the center of everything which made a path because of her.

I glanced at my Chief who seem nervous. "Something the matter?" I asked, but she brushed me off, then followed her son with the monster.

We followed Caleb to a larger tent where they both entered along with some guards and the head master of the camp. I looked around and notice everyone was tense and scared for their lives.

"Come on." Said Chief as she grabbed my elbow and entered the tent where we saw Caleb sitting and the monster standing behind him while glaring at the head master.

The head master was an older man, around his early 50's. His looks were grim, almost like our Chief, but more deadly.

"I want you out of our camp. Immediately!" Said the head master, but the monster didn't say anything, but Caleb spoke for her.

"She means no harm." He said.

"I don't care! She flew and she turned into what looked like a dragon!" The head master spat, his gaze went over to our Chief. "You have a choice! Get rid of this pest or we'll take it into our own hands, and you all leave?"

In the corner of my eye, Chief clenched her jaw and fist her hands tightly. I already knew her answer, she wouldn't dare let anyone outside the walls.

"Well! I'm waiting." He growled at her, his eyes cold as heartless.

"Fine! On one condition though?" He rolled his eyes, but let her continue. "She did save us and I'm grateful. I do want her to leave since she was part of the facility that took...," she paused, looking away. "Anyway, I do believe she can give us information about the facility and we can use that information to fight back. You do want this world to go back? Am I wrong?"

I stared at my Chief, along with Caleb who looked shocked and hurt.

The man slammed his fist on the table before taking a step back, rubbing his chin roughly.

"Do you trust such a monster that killed millions and could kill all of us in seconds?" I gulped, feeling the pressure in the room, but that's when a voice spoke.

"I could if I wanted to, but sadly I won't. For that reason alone is not anyone's business, but listen well dirtbag. I don't give a shit about you or your people, but I do want to protect the people that my comrade died to save to which I won't say. So, this is what I'm offering. You do have cells, right? Put me in one, keep me in there all night, but I want to come out in the morning where I can breathe fresh air. I promise to stay away from everyone. Any objections?"

Everyone fell silent, I was really stunned by her evil words.

The head master watched her, then did the unthinkable.

"Alright, you have a deal. If you make a mistake, I'll kill you." They both agreed.

After that, we all left our separate ways. Two guards showed the monster to her cell, Chief went to her assigned tent, and Caleb and I went to our tent where we fell silent after we got comfortable.

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