Dragon Rage: Birthday Wish Part 1

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"Caleb, wake up! We're here." Hearing my mom's voice, I peeked through my eyelids and saw daylight from the windows. "Everyone be prepared for anything because at the moment we could be in another camp territory or Locus territory."

We quickly got our guns loaded, and watched in horror to see old buildings in ruins, and vehicles covered in vines.

I can't believe I use to live in this town filled with once good people. Noe it's gone, nothing is left, and it's all the Locus fault.

I clenched my fist, but calmed down when Ginger rubbed her head against my arm. Suddenly the vehicle stopped, and I have a thought we stopped for a reason.

"Okay, hop out." Mom said which we all obey, but I was hesitate to step out.

As my feet hit the ground, I closed my eyes, feeling scared for the second time in my life.

I slowly opened my eyes to see it. The house that I grew in and was the place I last saw my sister. I glanced down, then looked over at mom to see she was in the same state as me. She looked over to me before nodding and walked towards the burnt house that was somehow saved back then by firemen.

I followed suit, leaving the rest behind. As we both neared the house, I could still see its color, a pale blue. Mom pushed the door open to let us see the living room. The furniture was covered in green vines, and the floor was now dirt.

"Caleb, I'm going outback to her grave. Please be careful, okay?" I nodded and watch walked away to the back door. I stood there a good minute or so, till I got the courage to walk towards the stairs. I grasp the rail before walking up them to see the same fate as down stairs.

My mind went blank as I walked towards her room, to see half of her things still in place. I slowly walked over to her dresser to see old photos, one of them caught my eye. It even caused me to remember a memory.

"Caleb, happy birthday bud!" The eight-yeat-old me said to my older sister as she held out my birthday cake. I laughed, and blushed as she set it down and kissed my forehead, along with mom who was more happier to see such a sight.

"Thanks guys." I said as they lit the candles and sang.

I paused from the memory, and grasp the photo of us together. My sister smile had a goofy smile as she gave a peace sign.

"Tell us Caleb, what do you wish for?" My sister said as she looked at me as I closed my eyes. I remembered my sisters plea as she begged for me to tell her what I wish for. "Come on little bro, tell me?!"

I can't help myself as I choked out a sob, remembering the wish I had said on my day.

As I blew out the candles, I remember the words as they echoed through my mind.

"I wish to protect my family."

I wiped my tears before taking the photo out of the frame, and stuffed it inside my suit. Glancing around the room once more, I left to my room to only to see it in ruined. Nothing was in place or left alone as I remembered the fire destroyed my room.

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