Dragon Rage: Devil Twin's Tricks

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I swear, I never felt so much anger in my life. I could hear Caleb not far from me groaning, and I don't have to look to see if he was injured as my question was answered.

"Shit, I think my wrist is broken." He said.

"I don't want to hear that! I was shot in the freaking leg!" Uncle Jasper shouted, making me growl. "I'm more in pain than I should be."

I ignored them, and slowly shifted to a smaller size of my demon. I opened my eyes, seeing my surroundings closely. The trees around us were destroyed by my body, but I knew something wasn't quite right. The forest was slowly being covered with a thick mist of green, and I could hear whispers.

"Everyone!" I shouted as I turned to only meet no one. No Caleb, nor my mom. "Jasper!" I called to my uncle to get nothing.

"Hello Dragon." I froze in place, knowing they arrived quicker than I thought. I growled, swinging around to me none other than the sister of the Devil. "It's been awhile hasn't it?" I got into a fighting stance to which she grinned, and waved her hand through the mist showing an image of a boy. "I don't think you want to move Rage because in this mist is the boy."

I growled, but held back. "What do you want Serena?" She smiled as she knew she got me. Her movements were slow, and she was taunting me with the still shaped boy of the mist. "Are you gonna talk or stay silent!" I snarled, not showing my discomfort.

"Master is very unhappy with you Rage. He wants you to pay." I grimaced as I thought about Master. "He told me to kill you and the rest of your group." I snapped my head up to see her smiling which made me lunge at her only for her to turn into my brother, his face showing dismay and horror. I was able to move out of the way in time before my claws sank into him. "Ha! You thought you can touch me Rage! I think not!"

I blinked rapidly to notice Caleb was nothing but a trick up her sleeve. I dug my claws into the ground, imagining her face in horror as she begs for mercy when I claw her eyes out.

Suddenly I felt another presence, a much darker aura than Serena. I watched as her brother walked through the mist, his smile never drops and his tongue flicking out like a snake would to taste his surroundings. He was hunched over, his clothes ripped and ragged with bloodstains. His eyes could literately bring you to a halt. They were something I could never look away from. I remember the first time I met them, and fought them, how he alone can take me down as his sister watches in delight as he used his powers against me.

My memories were interrupted as Kent appeared before me, looking down at me with this look of hunger and disgust. I bared my teeth at him, this time not showing him what he wants which is fear.

"Man, I never thought I'll meet you again Rage, hows it been?" I ignored his question, and quickly rolled away, and to stand once again. He smirked, his smile never faltered. He kept his eyes on me as I circled them, planning my attack or try too. "Rage, come on. How many times have we beating you? Ten, sixteen, maybe twenty?" I growled again, extracting my claws.

"It doesn't matter!" I snarled making Kent tilt his head in delight, it's showing through his eyes. His dark eyes that drawn me to sway a little. Don't look into his eyes, I told myself as I payed attention behind him and not on him.

"He~he, man I never thought I could finally taste you. Since I met you, your blood is the most exotic, alluring scent. I want to have a taste of it." His voice was becoming scratching, and his movements were beginning to be more sloppy as he stride right over to me. I jumped away, but his hand grip my shoulder, bringing me down. I hissed as his own claws dug deep. "Where're you going Rage, not gonna share?" Even though my skin was covered in scales which was suppose to thicker than anything, but here I am with Kent's claws digging deeper into my skin.

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