Dragon Rage: Green Souls

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I could feel my hear pounding against my chest, just beating faster as I think of the things I did. I don't understand what happened to me over the years that I was under control by the Locus.

Focusing back on the road, I notice that we were off road and headed towards somewhere.

"So. . .you regained your memories?" The girl that I still don't know spoke making me glance over to see she was staring at me.

"Yes." My voice was calm yet annoyed from her question.

"Do you know about your family? Because, ya know, got your memory returned?" I look over to see her still staring, and the other me was getting angier.

"No, all I know is the boy that I think is dead." Even though he's in the back.

"Oh, then why do you think Caleb looks like this boy you think that is dead?" She asked.

I bit back a snarl as I tighten my grip on the stirring wheel.

"He could be alive or dead, but you must wonder what he looks like now?" I couldn't help the growl that escape me, and now I was facing her. I could feel my eyes change and teeth sharpened.

"Shut. Up. If. You. Know. What's. Good. For. You." This voice was the other me and I let it out.

The woman stayed silent as she watched my anger come out. She nodded and faced the window, making me wonder why she asked those stupid questions even though she could be right.

Are the ones in the back my family or are they not?

I took a deep breath before going back to my normal features. Turning onto another road of what look like it, I stayed quiet as I felt my memories I had left reappear.



"She saved us, why?" Mom spoke as she rubbed her head, and Uncle Jasper was also feeling nervous.

"She did say I looked like her brother that was presumed dead. That's why she saved us, well me, but all of us." I said as they shook their heads.

"I think she's lying. There has to be another reason why she saved us." Grant stayed silent as he watched us discuss the matter.

"She killed him in front of us, and burned him too." I said as we all look at each other.

"It could've been an illusion. For all we know she could have different powers than changing into a demon." Mom did made a point, but I felt like we can trust her now.

"Guys, I think we can trust her now. Plus she says she knows Evelyn. This may be the key to getting a lost sibling back." They paused and shook their heads.

"Caleb, for all we know. She could be taking us to them and not where your sister is." Grant spoke up, looking towards me. "She's probably lying and your mom might be right. That guy that we all think is dead could be alive right now."

I looked down, thinking they could be right.

"You don't have to worry." We glance to the side to Ginger who was quiet the whole time.

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