Dragon Rage: Prologue

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I stared at my watch as everyone piled out the school doors. I was excited, school was out and no more homework for the whole summer.

Snyder my friend, came running my way with a big smile on her face. "Evelyn! Evelyn! Guess what! Guess what!" Snyder shouted, bringing attention to herself.

"What!" I said as she came to me.

She grab my arm and pulled me to the side, her nails digging into my skin making me wince in pain. "Josh just asked me out!" She whispered-yelled. She blushed and ran a hand down her face. "He just asked me just a second ago! Oh my god! I think I'm going to throw up!" I laughed and shook my head.

"Turn your head when you do it." She shoved me to the side which made me laugh even harder. "Congrats though. My little Snyder is growing up." I said in a baby voice which she glared, and flick my forehead. "Ow, wha-."

"Here he comes!" She interrupted me by squealing while pulling my sleeve on my uniform, pointing as Josh came into view.

"Hey babe, want to get some ice cream?" Snyder looked at me, like she was waiting for an answer. I smiled at her and she hugged me tight. "Call me tonight." She whispered to me.

I winked and shooed her off.

After watching her leave, I glanced down at my report card seeing all A's and B's, and at the very bottom of the gold paper says I'm going to be a junior.

I smiled and slipped my paper into my bag, then walked away from the school that I totally hate.

I was surprised that everyone was still piling out of the school. Some were throwing their papers, and others were just getting on the buses, wanting to go home.

I eagerly ran to my bus number forty-three, I can't wait to get home and be with my family.

I was halfway across the parking lot to the buses when a black SUV slammed on their breaks, the front bumper touching my knees.

I looked up and glared. "Watch where your going! Dumbass." I shouted, flipping them off.

I was hoping to see them and give an ear full to the driver, but the car had black tinted windows, making it hard to see them. Ignoring the weird feeling in my chest, I ran towards the buses, luckily they haven't left.


The bus halted to a stop, making me jump from my seat, bumping into a few people. I walked off the bus and stared up at my old pale blue beat up two story house.

I lived here since I was baby, a tiny seven pound baby with big blue eyes, and soft black hair. Living in Alabama which is a small state, but it gots it's perks. The school is somewhat okay, the people who live in my town are also nice.

In the corner of my eye I saw a black SUV not far from my house, parked under a street lamp. I felt like I was being watched and that scared me.

I ran up to my house, taking out my keys, opening the door to see Mom with a box in her hand. "My mom sent you some stuff." I rolled my eyes and grab the box from her.

"Thanks." She nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Oh, don't forget tonight's family night." I nodded and ran up the stairs, ignoring my mom who was telling me to not run up the stairs. I stopped at Caleb's room, and knocked.

Caleb is my eleven year old brother. He loves to play Halo and Minecraft, that's pretty much he does in this house.

Caleb opened the door and looked up, his brown hair and light blue eyes reminds me of dad who left us when I was five years old. "Hey little man, what ya'doin?"

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