Chapter 23: Baseball Game
March 8, 2014, Saturday
*~~Matt's P.O.V.~~*
I wake up in Maddie's bed, last night was a thrill, like always. I wake her up with kisses.
"Matt? It's Saturday, let me sleep."
"Want to watch my baseball game today?"
That shocked her awake, "You're in a team?"
"No, but I got into a fight with a bunch of guys. Long story short, they were calling me emo fag, gosh I'm sorry my hair is sexy, but I'm not emo. So yeah, we're having a baseball game to settle things between us." Maddie looked at me like I'm nuts.
"How many people are playing on your enemy's team? How are you going to get players in your team?"
"Relax babe, I'm awesome at sports. Do you not see these muscles? Anyway they have 10 people, let's see I have seven of my cousins coming over, me, and Blaze, Zack's brother-in-law. But today I'm going to recruit Zack. I just won't tell Zack why, he loves my cousins, so it's cool. All I need is my lucky charm to be there, and that's you." I kissed her and she giggled. I really do love this woman, but she'll never know that...well she will, just not yet. Help me keep it a secret, yeah? *wink*
Maddie wraps her legs around my waist as I deepen the kiss. I break the kiss and breathe in her ear, "How about another round before breakfast?"
Maddie replies, "I'd think that's perfect." and starts kissing my chest. Boo-ya-shacka!~
*~~Juliet's P.O.V.~~*
I walk by Maddie's room to hear skin slapping against each other and moans. This is so embarrassing, I run out to the living room. They don't even try to keep their voices I sound like that? Gosh, that's so embarrassing. I leave a note for Maddie, saying I'm at Zack's house. I grab my keys, phone, and head out to my car.
I walk into Zack's house to see him watching Blue's Clues and munching on cereal. He looks behind him and sees me. A smile is now pasted on his face and he runs up to me.
"Well this is a lovely surprise, you should come more often." Zack leans down to kiss me, I know it sucks that he's tall, but his kiss tastes like Fruit Loops. I can't help but giggle at how childishly adorable he is. I know childishly isn't a word, but it is in my book, or maybe it is but I don't care.
"Why are we giggling, angel?"
"Your kiss tastes like Fruit Loops and you're watching Blue's Clues." I said, poking his nose. He feigned hurt as he put a hand over his heart.
"Why angel, Blue's Clues is one of the best shows in the world and Fruit Loops tastes very good. When we have kids, I'm going to watch all the baby shows with them." I was laughing, gosh can he be any more adorable? Then Zack's phone starts ringing, Zack answered his phone, "Hey Matt. Baseball? Today? With your cousins, Blake is playing, too? Um sure I'm in. Alright I'm bringing Juliet, too."
Zack ended his call and asked me, "Want to watch a baseball game today? It's at 3 PM, today."
~3 PM~
I'm sitting with Maddie on the bleachers, but my eyes are on Zack. He looks hotter than usual in his red shirt and cap. I don't know, I'm weird. Matt's team is red, the rival team is brown.
"Oh look there's their rival." Maddie says, pointing to a bunch of boys wearing brown.
"BEAT THEIR LITTLE ASSES, BABY!" Maddie shouts to Matt, who just winks at her. Zack runs up to me, "Can I have a kiss, angel? I need good luck." I giggle and pull him in for a kiss. It was about to deepen, when we heard a 'ahem' from Maddie. Zack's ears turned red and he ran back, waving at me.

A Remedy For the Heart *Extremely Slowly Editing*
Novela JuvenilZachary Graves is an emo magazine model who does not smile. He believes that no one can love him. Will that change when he meets Juliet Annabel? Will they have a good relationship? Your typical love story... A/N This isn't really PG-13, it's more li...