Moving in

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Meet Olivia Jones...
An average 16 year old that's too clumsy and awkward to do anything.

She has just moved to a decent house in Minnesota after her parents divorced.

As her and her mom unpack their stuff from boxes Olivia's mom (Susan) gets the sudden urge to go shopping

"Olivia..." Said Susan

"Yeah mom?" Replied Olivia

"When was the last time we bought you some clothes?" Said Susan with a sort of sad look on her face.

"Umm... I don't know, maybe. 7th grade? All the other times when I was with dad we would get clothes at yard sales."

"Well your father was a cheapskate. Were going shopping, grab your jacket and put on shoes. This is going to be fun"

Olivia's P.O.V~

There's something about my mom that just makes me constantly smile. She always understands. She's so accepting and caring.

I kinda can't believe she wants to go shopping already, I mean we literally just got here and I haven't even seen my room. Just the kitchen and bathroom.

I guess we're going shopping.

At the Blake's house-

"Hey Damon!" Yelled Justin

*Damon lazily got up from the couch while watching criminal minds*

"Whaaaatttt" moaned Damon

"I think the neighbors are here. Ooh its a lady and I think her daughter."
Justin winked

"DIBS!!!" yelled Danny running down the hall

"Chill man. We don't even know what she looks like, she could look like a troll or something."

"Okay so, you guys always get the girls. But I guess your right on the looks part." Said Danny with a discouraged look.
Thanks for reading!!! There will be more parts up soon!!! I will try and make the chapter things longer but since this was just an intro it was shorter then I wanted.

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