Awkward smiles

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Danny's P.O.V~
I high-key ship Justin and Olivia. Like their the true definition of OTP (one true pair). They make each other happy and they can't be separated, they have to do everything together. Its so cute it gets annoying.

Olivia's P.O.V~
In exactly 3 days, 6 hours, 37 minutes and 19 seconds I will start school. Yes, I'm keeping track. Its school who wouldn't want to know when they worst time of their life will begin again after a whole amazing summer.
Today Justin will take me to go shopping for things I probably won't need but I should get anyways such as school books, a backpack, and more clothes. He's gonna pick me up around 1 and then after shopping I'm sleeping over.
I'm really glad his family likes me and my mom likes his family and him. Everyone in the Blake family is so accepting, I love it.

*Ding dong*

"Liv! Justin's here!" My mom yelled

"Tell him he can come up to my room!"

Did I even need to say that, oh well.

I was greeted by a giant hug from Justin from behind scaring me and causing both of us to fall onto the floor.

"Nice to see you too, hehe" he said blushing

"There's that awkward smile I love."

"You ready to go" he said still hugging me while we were on my fluffy carpeted floor.

"I would if I could move"

We laughed

"Oh yeah, forgot I was still holding you."

We got up and walked out to the car heading to the mall.


"Hey guys, what did you get?" Damon asked as we entered the house

"Not much, school stuff mostly, we got backpacks, school books, stuff for me to sleep in tonight and with the spare money we had we bought you and Danny a cheesy surprise" I said and smirked

"I HEARD MY NAME!!" yelled Danny from the hall

"Were you listening onto our unimportant conversation?" Justin question

"What?? Pft.. N-" he was interrupted

"Yes" Damon, Justin, and I said at once


we all laughed

"Okay well what's our surprise, I still want it even if its cheesy." Danny joked

Justin went to the shopping bags and pulled out cosplaying makeup and a wig for Danny and for Damon lots of band shirts

"See cheesy" I said

"Cheesy but thoughtful"

"Thank you, Liv. But... One thing, are you and Justin 'a thing'?"

"A thing?? No, I wouldn't know how to explain it." Wow I really didn't know what to call this 'thing' Justin and I have. Hmm, we did say I love you already.

"Hint hint Justin" Damon said while nudging Justin on the arm.

"I think Olivia and I are more or amazing friends with many benefits, no matter how much I love her, its not official... Yet... I said yet Damon"


Justin's P.O.V~

(Texting Olivia)

Liv❤- hey

Me- hey hru

Liv❤- good watching the 'Hannah Montana' movie, its weird how much she has changed in the last 4 years. Hbu??

Me- nm thinking bout u❤

Liv❤- aw that's cute

Me- hey, uh, can I ask u somethin?

Liv❤- Anything.

Me- why didn't you know what to call... Us??? Like when Danny asked

Liv❤- I asked myself that same question, I really don't know. Justin.. What would you call 'us'??

Me- Olivia. I love more than anything else in this world. I wouldn't trade you for anything, and I mean anything, in the world. You are my world. You are my best friend and your always there for me and I couldn't thank you more for that. But personally I would only call you a best friend.

Liv❤- why only best friend.

Me- Liv, I'm an awkward wreck. Im not sure what or when all the time. I love you so much. I really want to show you how I really feel tomorrow, please come over tomorrow

Liv❤- deal. I love you goodnight

Me- Sweet dreams
Question for readers-
1- what do you think of Justin's new hair?
2- is it just me or do fan fictions of the Blake boys (mostly Justin) with a main girl character and justin/danny/Damon falling in love with them?

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