Just plain awkward

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Damon's P.O.V~

Olivia's pretty cool, she's chill for sure. But I think there's something she hasn't told us yet. I know we just met but. Whatever not important right now.
So after Olivia's mom left, Liv came upstairs to the room where Danny, Justin and I usually hang and stuff and all of us had a giant Netflix marathon while eating popcorn.
After about 4 hours of that we played truth or dare, harmless of course but even if it wasn't we are all 16.
Justin started by daring me to let him give me a makeover with whats only in the fridge. Of course he gets the mustard, pickles, peppers and he found chocolate syrup buried in there. He smothered my face with mustard before grabbing pickles and peppers and topping it off with the syrup. That hurt like hell. The mustard burned my skin and made me cringe for the next hour after taking it off. The peppers were so close to my eyes they started to water, but since i never show any emotions at all I played it cool and said it didn't hurt. It was my turn. I had no clue who to pick, I'm not the best at this game. So out of curiosity to learn more about Olivia i asked her.

"Truth or dare" i said looking at her

"Umm, dare. I always start with truth so ill switch it up for once"

"Same!!!!" Justin yelled while jumping off the pillow he was sitting on.

"I dare you to..." i couldn't think of anything

"Actually ill just use my tablet and look up dares and use the first one i see so it doesnt take so long."

"okay." all three of them said at the same time

"oh god" i said with slight fear in my voice

"What?" Danny said

"I don't think I'm gonna use this one-" i was interrupted by Liv

"come onnn! just say it! it will be finnnee!"

"I don't think i should." i really don't want to say it.

Each and everyone of them had their own reason why it would be fine but little did they know this was the most awkwardest question ever. Whatever they asked for it.

"Fine, whatever. You asked for it so don't blame it on me when this house gets awkward. Kiss the person you know least about to get to know them."

Olivia's and Justin's eyes met.

"Ohhhh.... i see" Danny said and smirked

"Well..." Justin said

I sort of didn't want to watch and i don't think Danny did either.

Justin leaned in and Olivia followed.
This was the most awkwardest thing to watch.


Justin's P.O.V~

Basically after the kiss damon and Danny would not stop bugging me and liv about it. So i asked her if she wanted to come up to my room to get to know each other better since i was so shy with her at first.

We talked for a while and i felt like she trusted me and i trusted her, Its something I've never felt before.

We went live on Younow and she was amazed by how many people were watching us and i explained. My fans seemed to like her for the most part. Other then the jealous ones.

It was 11:30ish and me and liv were getting tired but we made a vow we would stay up all night and hopefully become best friends. Actually the only true part about that is the staying up all night. I just really like her, in a friend way, and want to be good friends with her. So we went downstairs and got the tub of ice cream and two spoons hoping that would keep us up.

Olivia's P.O.V~

Hanging with Justin is really fun, he's derpy, funny, and not a bad kisser. i think its cute that he didn't find kissing me awkward, it shows he's confident but not too confident. I like that.
His fans on younow were so cool. Although most fangirled off his hotness, i mean who wouldn't. ugh i have to stop flirting with him in my mind. Its not right, we just met and i already like him. Shit.


Damon's P.O.V~

Damn, i cant believe its already 1am, i woke up to the sounds of Liv's laugh. Its not a bad thing but i wish i was still asleep.
I open up Instagram and see that Justin has given Olivia a shout out and she now has 29.3k and Danny's cosplaying. I probably should've known. I get bored of my phone and walk into Justin's room to see them just talking and laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. I don't think they notice me so i sneak out and just hang with Danny.

Justin's P.O.V~

As liv and i stared at the ceiling while being bored we just started talking.

"friends can hug right?" she asked

"i guess, why?"

As liv leaned in and hugged me i then knew what she was trying to say to me. She liked me, and I'm not going to complain because i happen to like her back. I hugged her tighter not letting her go to try and show her i liked her back without using words. but... Just in case. I told her anyways...

"liv, i like you. And when i say i like you i don't mean friend wise. I like like you. I know we just met but you make me happy, your so funny and so pretty, you have so many great qualities. I even love your awkwardness."

"Justin, i like you. And when i say i like you i like like like like you, a lot. Your funny, compassionate, understanding, and nothing can come between you and I no matter how long we have known each other."
She ended her sentence blushing and so did i.
I held her hand and laid back and so did she.

"goodnight Justin."

"goodnight Olivia"

Okay so i have learned im not the best at remembering to write for you guys. But from now on i will start writing each of my parts at least 1,000 words.
Questions for readers:
-how should Danny and Damon react to olivia and justin liking each other?
-should olivia and justin have a date?? or nahh
anyways thank you for reading and ill try and write more when i can ❤❤❤

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