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Olivia's P.O.V~

Waking up is seriously the hardest thing when you have to do something that day even if you don't want to. Ugh meeting the neighbors. Cant I just stay home and have my mom meet them or something.
I walked over to my mirror and grabbed my hair brush. Surprisingly my long curly brown hair wasn't that tangled in knots. Now to get dressed out of my gray pajamas with pizza on them. Wow I am just the average 16 year old teen girl. What am I supposed to wear to meet the neighbors? Something casual? Something fancy? Scratch fancy I have nothing but the things my mom and I bought yesterday.
I ended up picking out a floral short and gray ripped jeans. I wore converses that were white and a little necklace my grandma gave me before she died. It was gold and had a heart on it, that necklace meant the world to me. If I ever lost it I would probably die, I loved my grandma so much.
For breakfast my mom made bacon and eggs. I tried to stretch out breakfast as long as I could hoping she would have to go to work by the time I was done and we wouldn't have to meet the neighbors. That didn't work out. I was so hungry that I just couldn't help but shove the eggs in my mouth bite after bite and after finishing that moving onto the bacon.

"Crap" I accidentally said

"What?" My mom looked so confused

"Did I just say that out loud, like, did I say crap out loud?"

"Yes hun, you don't want to go and see the neighbors do you?"

"Not really mom. I mean you know how I am, I'll probably just screw it up with my awkwardness and boom, our neighbors will hate us on the first day of meeting them."


After arguing for ten minutes about meeting the neighbors I gave in, you can never win with my mom.
The first out of 4 houses we visited with cookies my mom bought at Walmart was an old man who lived by himself with a gray poodle. I think the poodles name was Charley but since the man was so old we could barely understand him. The next house was a young couple around 25 with a baby. The baby was the cutest thing I've ever seen!! It had bright blue eyes and chubby cheeks that I could squeeze for days. Their house was the smallest in the neighborhood and I doubt they would be staying there long because the house can barely provide for 1 person.
At this point I was bored out of my mind but I haven't screwed anything up with my awkwardness, surprisingly people laughed at it and not in a bully way, they thought it was cute. Maybe Minnesota might not be that bad after all.
The third house didn't have a car in the driveway like it did yesterday but we left them a note and the cookies on the front step.
Yes. Finally the last house.
We walked up to the door and a lady around 45 came to the door. Her and my mom seemed to get along and they talked for a while, she invited us inside for a cup of coffee and I sat on the couch. Apparently she had sons, triplets in fact. Oh boy, three little trouble makers running around the neighborhood. Just what I need, their probably like 10 or something.
I took out my phone and started playing 10B wives. Damn, that game was addicting. I heard someone yell something to the mother and the mother replied back by saying

"Danny just come down, we have guests! The new neighbors are here!"

In about three seconds there was running down the halls of what sounded like a million people and turned out to be the triplets. For sure they were not 10. Probably my age, in fact. Tbh they were pretty good looking but I wasn't looking for a relationship yet.
One walked up to me with a smile on his face and his hand out getting ready to shake my hand.

"Hi, my names Damon"

"Uh, hi. My names Olivia but uh you can uh call me Liv if you want. You don't have to. I don't care either way"
Dammit I'm so awkward!

"Okay, Livs cute, I think I'll call you that"
he winked and walked away.

Oooh. Did he just. Woah. Did he just flirt with me. Damn. I'm starting to like my neighbors.
Neither of the other two walked up or said anything to me so I went with my guts and introduced myself to the both of them at once.

"Hi, um, I'm Liv I just moved in yesterday and... Yeah"

"Hey I'm Danny, nice to meet you. I like your necklace, its pretty."

"Thanks my grandma gave it to me before she died and it means a lot to me." Wow I actually wasn't awkward while saying that.

After a while the last one never introduced himself to me so his mom did. His name was Justin, he was 16 and basically the awkwardest person like me.
Damon and Danny seemed really nice but I wasn't sure about Justin because we never talked. Damon invited me up to his room and I immediately saw panic! At the disco posters and a bunch of bands I loved. He gave me a house tour and then my mom called me down stairs.

"Liv! I'm going to work! Please say goodbye!"

I ran downstairs and said bye to the Blake's

"Oh no sweety, say goodbye to me. If you don't mind you will be staying the night here. Here are the keys for tomorrow and here's 50$ for you to spend on anything you like."

Actually I didn't mind staying here at all. Even though I just met them all they seemed like family to me.
I hugged my mom and said goodbye to her this time and went back upstairs.
Thank you for reading! I enjoy hearing what you think about the book and if you have any suggestions I would be happy to hear them! I love you all! Bye!!!! ;)

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