Chapter 1

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Jade's Point Of View

"Jade! Get up, you have school!" My mum yells from downstairs. Ugh, school. I get up, knowing that I will get to see my friends. They are Leigh-Anne and Jesy. Of course I have one other friend, but she is special to me. By that, I mean I may or may not have a massive crush on her. Perrie. She was literally an angel sent from heaven. But nothing is gonna happen between us. She's straight. We have no chance of being together.

I get ready, and get to school on the bus. I hate the bus. Why? Because Perrie's ex gets on the same bus. I watch as Zayn gets off the bus in front of me and goes straight to his friends. I don't mind his friends, they're nice people. He's just an asshole for not treating Perrie like she deserves to be treated. I frown at him, then look away as I walk into the school.

I'm immediately hugged as I walk to my locker by three people. I already knew who they were. They pull away, and we all start talking as we walk to our first class, which was performing arts.

Jesy isn't hesitant to ask Perrie about Zayn. "Perrie, are you alright with what has happened still?" I was waiting for her usual answer, that she is still hurt a little but it was for the best and she couldn't let it get to her.

"Actually, I'm fine now. I might have moved on to someone else too." Someone may as well shoot a bullet into my heart right now. This sucks. She likes someone else already. I zone out, still walking, thinking about how there is nothing I could do but always just admire her and love her as a friend. I don't want her to though. I want to be able to hold her hand as we walked down the hallways after school, spend all my time after school snuggled up with her watching Disney movies, and to feel her lips-

"Jade? JADE!"

"Wait, what?" I asked, startled by Leigh shouting. Damn it, I was daydreaming, and now it's obvious that something is wrong.

"Are you alright baba? You zoned out, and you only do that when you're upset." Perrie says. I blush slightly at the nickname, but stop it from becoming too bad as I attempt to come up with an at least semi decent reply.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just tired." Wow Jade, that was a terrible excuse! But anyway, as terrible as it was, Perrie seemed to accept it as Leigh and Jesy gave each other knowing looks. They knew about my crush. I only told them about it. Well, no, they worked it out and made me admit it. They knew me only too well. Only downside to best friends. They work out EVERYTHING. They were the first people to find out I was a pansexual.

We get into performing arts, and today was performance day. Just great. I picked a certain song for this one. Only thing is, now Perrie and Zayn are over, it makes a little less sense, but oh well. I watch as Jesy, Leigh, Perrie and a bunch of others perform. Sam Craske and his dance group actually did really well. Sam had quite some attention at school, and girls liked him a lot. I admit he is kinda good looking, but I just don't see quite what it is that makes him a magnet for girls. Soon after, I have to perform. I get up to the mini stage at the front, and get a microphone on a stand on the way. I place it in the center, and signal for the music to start. I hear the backing track, and begin to sing.

Everybody deserves somebody

But girl, nobody can love you like I do

You can be a supermodel

President, or write a novel

But he's holding you back

And you're better than that

He won't even buy you flowers

Stay up late and talk for hours

I could do better than that

I can be better than that

You should know

Everybody deserves somebody

But girl, nobody can love you like I do

And I'm not perfect, but you're so worth it

I wanna change the world for you

So baby don't settle for less

You deserve the best

You're better than the rest

And I can be the best

So baby don't settle for less

I've been watching from the sidelines

His mistakes become my guidelines

'Cause he's holding you back

And you're better than that

I will love to buy you flowers

Take the time to talk for hours

Yeah, I can do that

I can be better than that

You should know

Everybody deserves somebody

But girl, nobody can love you like I do

And I'm not perfect, but you're so worth it

I wanna change the world for you

So baby don't settle for less

You deserve the best

You're better than the rest

And I can be the best

So baby don't settle for less

You deserve the best

You're better than the rest

And I can be the best

So baby don't settle for less

He takes you for granted

Girl, I can't stand it

Watching you panic over him

See, he's just a nobody

I can be somebody

Someone to love 'til the end

'Cause everybody deserves somebody

But girl, nobody can love you like I do

And I'm not perfect, but you're so worth it

I wanna change the world for you

So baby don't settle for less

You deserve the best

You're better than the rest

And I can be the best

So baby don't settle for less

You deserve the best

You're better than the rest

And I can be the best

So baby don't settle for less

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