Chapter 7

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Sam's Point Of View:

I was going to get Jade. I didn't care if that meant that I killed these two right here. I would prefer to keep them locked up here forever, and torture them endlessly. It would be bliss to do that. I would slowly mark every inch of Zayn's skin with this knife, and I would gladly hold Perrie at gunpoint while I forced her to do things she would only do in her darkest nightmares. But if anyone came to interfere, I guess killing them is my only choice. I would still be satisfied with that, however. I begin to hear knocking at the door. I stare at Zayn, knowing he had a few seconds out of my eyesight, enough time to call the police. I peer through a gap in the curtains and look through the window to see who is at the door. Well, this day gets a lot better for me. There was my prize, knocking at the door, desperate to get in. I smile again, madness seeping through my body already, adrenaline from power causing me to become happier than ever.

"Guess who's knocking on the door? My dear Jade, just waiting for me to bring her in the house. I better go get it, hadn't I?" I saw Perrie's eyes widen in fear, but she couldn't say anything as I had gagged the stupid bitch. I knew about her and Jade. Zayn didn't, only me and their other friends did. Zayn didn't suspect a thing with the pictures in the room, he thought I was seeing things that weren't there. But I knew everything. Even about the kiss in the music room. I couldn't wait until I had Jade underneath me, wriggling, trying to escape, hurt and scarred, while Perrie had no choice but to watch. I couldn't wait.

I go downstairs, and open the door, the hand with the knife behind the door. Jade stands there, out of breath, like she ran. Was she that desperate to see me? Wow, Perrie left lovergirl all alone, and she came running to me. She is so desperate to get laid, wait until I'm done with this girl. I open the door, and she is looking down.

"Hey Jade, did Perrie ditch you?" I ask, sarcasm laced in my voice. She looks up at me and smiles. A genuine smile.

"No. She was at school, I just wanted to see why you weren't at school." Did she just... lie?

"She wasn't." I said.

"How would you know that?" She questions, and I knew I was busted. I drag her in the house as she screams, and slam the door shut. Yet, only seconds, the door busts open again, and a load of guys in police uniform point their pistols straight me.

"Freeze!" "Put the weapon down!"


Perrie's Point Of View:

Me and Zayn grabbed a hold of each other, comforting each other as we hear the yelling of the police could be heard. As it dies down, we let go of each other. Then Zayn speaks.

"I called Jade."

"What?!" He didn't call the police? When?

"When I ran out of the room, I called Jade, and then let Sam get me. I let her hear Sam's voice, as I knew she would recognise it. She must've called the cops. Then come here. I hope Sam didn't stab her..." He says, and I find myself blurting out something I shouldn't have.

"I swear, if he did anything that hurt my girl, he'll know about it."

"Perrie?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Did you just refer to Jade as 'my girl'?" Shit. It slipped.

"Did I?" I ask, pretending to be unaware.

"Uh, yeah. Was Sam right when- You know what, this can wait for another time. We have a bunch of cops and a sadist down there." He replies, and I agree. I hope he forgets. I am so not ready to tell everyone about my sexual preference yet.

As that gets said, the door is opened and about three cops walk in. One of them comes up to us and makes sure we are alright, while the others secure the area and quickly checks the room for dangerous weapons. Me and Zayn are lead downstairs by the cop, and I see Sam through the front door, cuffed, and being pushed into the back of a cop car. As I stepped outside, I see my mum. I run to her, and hug her tight. I lean back, and then realise that my mum somehow knew where I was. How could she have done? She doesn't know where Sam lives, and the police wouldn't have had known I was in there until now.

"Mum, how did you know I was at this house?" I ask her. She smiles, and looks behind me.

"You have good friends Perrie. Ones that are prepared to run from the school to our house to tell me you were in trouble." I turn as my mum says this, and see my amazing girlfriend stood there, a little shy, looking at me.

"I had to Debbie, any of the girls would've done it." She says to my mum as I slowly walk towards Jade.

"But you did it. Wow Perrie, just hurry up and hug her!" I think my mum saw me being hesitant, so encouraged me. So I did.

I ran into her, and knocked us both over as I wrapped my arms around the smaller girl. I pulled away slightly to give her a quick peck on the cheek, and she blushed a little. I pulled her close again, enjoying this moment. It was only when we heard Zayn cough that we both properly pulled away.

"You know, I highly doubt the ground is that comfy..." Trust Zayn to find a good moment to make a sarcastic comment. Me and Jade laughed as we got up. Then realised that I should probably be at school.

"Could you take us three to school?" I ask my mum, knowing already that she would take us.

"Of course, let me just get my keys." She answers. She finds them, and we all pile into the car.

I'm so glad I can get things to normal straight away. I don't ever want to be reminded about that psycho again.


Hello again! So no one commented and I cried...

Well, no. I didn't. But I was a little hurt when no one commented about what they thought of the plot twist or just what they thought of the story. But I hope you're enjoying it anyway! Thank you for reading, and comments are welcome, compliments or criticism. It will help me make the story into something you are satisfied and pleased with.


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