Chapter 12

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Jade's Point Of View:

A week passed since we found Y/N in the cupboard. We kind of got to know her. She was strange, she was secretive. I knew she had a friend who has been there since 'it' happened, whatever 'it' actually is. I worked out that she preferred to observe from the outside, and Molly was the name of her friend. Never seen her around, so it's a little strange, but I trust that this Molly girl is real. Right now, however, I was with Perrie at my house, both watching some random film on Netflix while we cuddled into each other.

"Jade?" I heard Perrie say. I turn around, and suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine. As much as I was getting into the film that was on, I liked this much better. I was starting to get a little bit adventurous with the kiss when Perrie pulled away. I pouted, showing that I didn't want it to end, then I realised why she had stopped. My mum had come into the house. I rolled my eyes, and moved away from her as I went back to watching the TV.

I bet my mum wouldn't care. She didn't mind when I came out to her. She just accepted it. But Perrie, she doesn't want my mum to find out. She thinks that the first thing she will do is tell hers. To be completely honest, it's becoming frustrating. All I wanna do is be with this girl without her being looking over her shoulder to check no one can see us. I don't wanna hide us away, this all just sucks. Perrie is way too paranoid about everything.

My mum went upstairs, and Perrie started to try and kiss me again, but I just rejected her and moved further away from her. She looked at me, a confused look setting on her face. As much as I did want to kiss her, all this was becoming way too hard. Being in a relationship isn't meant to be hard work, but with her it is. I'm not sure if I can deal with it anymore in all honesty.

"What's up? Why don't you wanna kiss me?" She asks, genuinely confused. It did manage to annoy me more.

"What if my mum comes back down?" I say, each word dripping with sarcasm.

"Jade, you know if she sees..."

"She'll tell your mum, I know. I'm just fed up of this." I say, being honest about how I felt.

"Don't be like this, you know it's hard for me to come out and-"

"Last freaking week you said I could tell everyone! Why did you tell me not to after, why can't I tell everyone?!" I was beginning to raise my voice, not caring if the rest of the country heard. "You see all these happy couples who kiss in the street, not having to care?! I wish we could be like that! That's all I want!" I was fed up. So done. I said I'd wait forever for this girl, and I won't break that promise. But I won't wait like this. It's just too hard.

"We're done."

Perrie's Point Of View

You know that moment when your whole world just collapses? When only a few words make you crumble and break down? When you know that you have to give up something you loved? Now I know how it feels.

A week has passed. A full seven days since I began to feel empty inside. I didn't feel upset, anger, regret, just nothing. I don't even feel pain. I swear when Jade said those two words, anaesthetic was put into my heart. I've spent the last days wondering around like a lost puppy, and everyone was getting concerned about me.

"Perrie, talk to me a second?" It was Zayn. I just nodded, not caring what happened anymore. It was a free period for me and the girls, but Mr Bieber was helping them with their written work so they weren't with me. He lead me to one of the small recording studios in the building.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask him, in the same monotone voice I've had since it happened.

"Talk to me. There's something that's really broken you. I'm your best friend, and have been for a while. I know when you're heartbroken." Why did I let go of such a caring guy? Oh yeah, I'm possibly gay. Whoops.

"I... Ugh, Jade." I mumble out.

"So what Sam thought was true?" Zayn says, a slight hint of a smirk on his face at the fact that he knows the answer. For the first time in the week, I have a genuine smile on my face as I nodded my head. But then I remembered what happened, and the smile faded again. "But you guys broke up. Because you didn't tell anyone. Right?" Damn, how did Zayn know everything.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do. Help me out. I don't care who hears it anymore. I love... No, I am in love with Jade Thirlwall and I am not scared to admit it. I know she can't hear me know, and I know that no-one but you can hear me, but I am more than ready to tell everyone."

"Actually, I'm not the only one who can hear you." He says, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What do you mean, I don't get you." I say with confusion laced in my voice. Yet all he does is step to the side, and I see that the mic was on, and was connected to the school speakers. Which meant everyone heard me. Oh, and by everyone, I mean everyone including Jesy, Jade, Y/N and her friend Molly, and of course, Jade.

"Sorry Perrie." He says, thinking I was going to yell at him."

"Really Zayn? Don't you think I would've wanted to say it in person rather than over the school speakers? Which you should also probably turn of now..." I say.

"Oh, right." He quickly leans into the mic. "Sorry everyone for the short interruption, please go back to what you were doing previously." He then turns off the mic as a teacher barges into the room. Of course, it was Mr Bieber.

"You're lucky I like you two. You only get a 45 minute detention, not an isolation tomorrow. Just make sure this doesn't happen again." He begins to walk out, then hesitates. "Oh, Perrie, everyone is supportive of you. As for Jade..." I begin to look down, waiting for the rejection. Which, it turns out, never came. "I've never seen her so happy. She looked like a kid that was let loose in a room full of candy and chocolate. I'd still suggest flowers though, best way to win a girl over." He finishes, with his finger tapping the side of his nose twice and sending a friendly wink to us. He then goes off, leaving me with Zayn in this room. He'd already made himself comfortable in a chair and gone onto his phone. I just copy, not having much to do. This could've been worse, after all.



But seriously, I'm busy as hell. I have mock exams this month and I haven't been in a lot of my lessons because of in-school counselling so I'm stressing about it. Oh, and I have a song to perform in my music class which isn't gonna be fun because people in this world be hateful and cruel. I feel bad that I haven't updated in a long time. Is it too late now to say sorry?

Too soon for the pun? My bad.


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