Chapter 11

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Jade's Point Of View

I wondered why this girl was here in the instrument cupboard.

"I... Uh... This isn't what it looks like..." The girl started to say. Well, I know what it does look like.

"It kinda looks like you were watching us." Her cheeks became flushed as she looked down. It was cute, I'm not going to lie, but maybe not as cute as my girlfriend.

"I promise not to say anything. I haven't for a long time now." This makes me question myself about what she means. She can't have possibly known, right? I look over at Perrie, and she has the same face as she turns to me. She then turns to the girl again, and asks a question.

"What do you mean, you haven't for a long time now?" All of us became silent. The girl looked up again, and gulped. It probably would've gone unnoticed if you were two metres away, but we weren't. I could see the lump in her throat being swallowed and the loud sound. It wasn't loud at all, but in a small room with complete silence, it just seemed to be so audible.

"I saw the first kiss." WAIT. WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?!

"I said, I saw the first kiss. Uh, you, know, when your two friends locked you in that room. I saw it." Is this girl some sort of assassin?

Your Point Of View

This was so damn awkward. I still remember being hidden behind the piano. I was still in the room when Jesy and Leigh decided that sex in school was the best thing to do to pass their time. Everyone talks about third wheeling, but I think I have the best experience.

"Look, I didn't realise you were gonna be in there. I went in to work on my performing arts project when I heard people talking and I panicked and hid behind the piano. I didn't mean to find out." I feel like I'm making this worse for myself.

"Wait, your in our performing arts class? But I've never seen you perform!"

"There's a reason for that. I don't actually take the performing arts course." I knew this would confuse them, so I explain further. "I take audio production. There were to many for one class but not enough for two classes, therefore a few of us got moved into the performing arts class. I mean, others can play an instrument or sing, but I have problems with that." They seemed to understand.

"So, you do DJ sorta stuff? Remixes and samples?" Perrie asked. This girl seemed nice enough now I've talked to her.

"Yeah, exactly that." I felt really uncomfortable exposing who I am to someone who isn't Molly. "Uh, I gotta go. I'm sorry for wasting your time guys." Then I ran, despite the small shouts telling me to come back.

Perrie's Point Of View:

The whole thing was weird. I was starting to get to know the mysterious girl when she ran away. We chased her into the corridor, but she had already disappeared. I didn't even know the girl's name. It was really weird.

"Do you really think she won't say anything?" I ask Jade.

"I don't know, but if she really has known from the start and not said anything, then I think I can trust her enough." She replies. If my girl can trust her, I can too.

"So, other than that somewhat weird moment, how has your day gone?"


Please don't kill me, I have a reason for not updating.

I have been doing a series of performances over the week, and haven't had enough time to update. But here is a quick short chapter for now, I will get writing again when I have sorted out homework, coursework, and just my life in general. Shouldn't take too long until I have a longer chapter for you guys!


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