Chapter 13

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Jade's Point Of View:

I was heartbroken. I couldn't believe what I had done. A week ago, I let go of the girl I loved. I was with Jesy, Leigh and Y/N. Her friend Molly, despite not being in our music class, came here. She had free period so she came along too. She's really nice actually. She's lively and loud, but in a good way. Her and Jesy unsurprisingly got along. Molly and Y/N were polar opposites but I guess that is what made their friendship work. We needed help with our written work and Mr Bieber had a free period like us so we went to catch up.

I've seen Perrie around, which only made me feel worse. She looked vulnerable and lost. Her face, however, was expressionless. Her stature gave away that something had changed and it left her in some sort of negative mind frame, but that was it. Her face showed nothing, and somehow that was worse than hurt. It was like I'd stripped her of human abilities, like she was a robot, just existing and not living. What have I done to her?

"Jade, are you okay? You were in your own world." Jesy says, looking concerned. I just nod, and Leigh gives my a sympathetic look. I focus on the work, when suddenly there's noise coming from the school speakers.

" guys broke up. Because you didn't tell anyone. Right?"

That was Zayn. There was no denying it. It seemed like he was unaware he'd turned on the speakers. But who was he talking to?

"Yeah." Perrie?! "I don't know what to do. Help me out. I don't care who hears it anymore." Hear what? "I love... No, I am in love with Jade Thirlwall and I am not scared to admit it." Wait, whoa, backtrack a second. What did she just say?!?! "I know she can't hear me know, and I know that no-one but you can hear me, but I am more than ready to tell everyone." But I can hear everything she is saying... I can feel my smile rising and sense that my eyes were wide with surprise.

Molly turned to Y/N. "That was Perrie, right?" Y/N just nodded.

"Actually, I'm not the only one who can hear you." We all heard through the speakers. Definitely Zayn again.

"That little brat turn the school speakers on without permission. Sorry girls, I've got a detention to give out." Mr Bieber said as he left the room.

"Everyone stay quiet, I wanna hear the rest of this." Y/N says, and we all listen.

"What do you mean, I don't get you." Movement can be heard, and a slight gasp that seemed like Perrie didn't notice she had let out.

"Sorry Perrie."

"Really Zayn? Don't you think I would've wanted to say it in person rather than over the school speakers? Which you should also probably turn of now..."

"Oh, right. Sorry everyone for the short interruption, please go back to what you were doing previously." The speakers turned off after.

"Damn it!" Y/N yells. We all and turn at her, a weird expression on all our faces. "What?! I wanted to hear Mr Bieber scold them!" Molly just bursts out laughing at her best friend, and we all begin to laugh. Then everyone turns to me, and I knew what was happening.

"Jade, do you still, you know, love her?" The dreaded question. Why?

"I-I-yes." I mutter the one word that sums up my answer.

"Then get her back, I doubt someone says something like that and doesn't mean it." Jesy says. Then my eyes dull again, remembering the last time she said that.

"She already said she could tell everyone then went back on her word." I heard Y/N whisper to the others. Of course the wallflower would know.

"Wait, how did you know that?" Leigh asks.

"Well, I may or may not have been in a storage cupboard being a stereotypical wallflower..." She says, earning slight giggles from everyone else. "But this time, no matter Jade's doubts, it sounded like she meant it. I mean, seeing how broken she was without you Jade, I don't think she wants to feel that way again. If that means showing you off, then so be it. You're like a drug to her, you're addictive and she needs you. Maybe not always be around her, but just knowing that you two are together." Y/N just dumped a whole load of reality on me, and it finally sinks in. She's right. "Find her now." She says after, and I don't waste a second while I run.

"WOOOO GO JADE! YOU GET YOUR GIRL!!" Yup. Molly was being her usual loud self.

I took a detour, not wanting to run into Mr Bieber along the way. I avoid him, and get to the recording studios. I see Perrie leaving one of the rooms with Zayn, and immediately call her. "Perrie, wait!" She turns around in record time, and I can see worry in her face.

"Jade I'm sorry I was meant to tell you in person but-MMPH!" Alright, so I may or may not have interrupted her by slamming my lip onto hers. She wraps her arms around my waist as mine go around her neck, and we both pull each other closer. You know, for the first time in this last week, everything was right. I was back in Perrie's arms, and that was all I needed. What Y/N is said is right, but it works both ways. I'm her drug and she is mine. I don't care anymore about what it takes, I need her. Whether that be as a friend, one with benefits, or being her girlfriend, as long as she's here, I'm fine.

The kiss separates, and Perrie begins to ask me something I never thought I would hear her say. "Uh, would you like to, you know, go on a date with me? I know that I've been terrible at it before, and I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend, but can you give me one last chance? I promise I won't mess up like last time." I end up biting my lip. When she's shy, she's so fucking cute that it should be illegal. Once I realise she's waiting for an answer and I haven't replied, I nod. "thank the lord above, I thought you were gonna say no for a second." She says, and becomes much more visibly relieved. I give her one last peck.

"I've gotta go, I didn't finish my written work in performing arts." I say, and then run off back to the classroom. Before I turned the corner, I look back to see Perrie facing the wall, two fingers resting on her bottom lip, a huge smirk setting on her face. I heard her quickly mumble too. "The things you do to me, Jade Thirlwall."

The things you do to me, Perrie Edwards.


So, date ideas? Because I have none. I want it to be cute but not cliché, if you understand what I mean...

Anyway, just gonna say, mollylikescake, you're fucking amazing. I hope you like you in this, not sure how well I did it... Anyway, I'm updating again, and I'll be updating more in the next week. So, please, someone give me an idea for a date for them, because I'm all out. Oh, and if ANYONE says 'Netflix and chill' I will lose my cool, because that shit is not romantic or a good idea for a date.

Peace out!


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