Chapter 8

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Perrie's Point Of View:

So news got out about Sam and what he did. Then ever since, everyone whispered about it when I passed them. They did it to Zayn and Jade too. No one knew why he did it other than us four girls and Zayn. Zayn had ended up on pretty good terms with Jade. I knew Jade wasn't exactly his biggest fan, but hey, things have been sorted out. It's just annoying that people are still talking about the situation that happened a month ago.

Sam was sentenced to spend the rest of his miserable life in prison for multiple cases of sexual assault and rape. I guess you could say girls were no longer wanting to get with him. They've kinda turned to Harry, one of Zayn's friends. Me and Jade are stronger than ever, even though we haven't told people about us yet. Leigh and Jesy? I'd tell you, but I can't exactly keep their relationship PG (Because they hella nasty!) and other than that, you've caught up.

I'm walking through the hallways, on my way to my performing arts class with Jade, Jesy and Leigh,  and all I can hear is whispering. I look around, and everyone is staring. The cut on my cheek that Sam had made was not helping me or anyone else forget what had happened. Jesy notices, and immediately walks over to me and side hugs me as we walk into the classroom. We were in early, as to avoid all the people in the corridors. As soon as we entered, our teacher headed straight to us.

"Sorry girls, I know it's performance day, but we do have a writing task to do, so I need to collect some sheets. Can I trust you to not wreck havoc in the room?" He asks.

"Of course Mr. Bieber" Leigh says, and he leaves.

"So, how is everyone?" Jesy asks.

"Not good. It's been ages since the thing happened, and people are still staring at me and whispering. It doesn't help that my girlfriend is getting the same treatment either." Jade replies. I look at her, and begin to cry. They all know what I'm like. Being reminded of what happened wasn't exactly all that great for me. I felt myself hunch over as I began to sob, and soon felt a pair of comforting arms wrap around me again, and the warm familiar feeling instantly comforting me. I bury my face into Jade's neck as she rubs my back.

"Thank you baba." I mumble, knowing I needed this hug so bad. Jade moved her head to kiss my head.

"Not a problem babe. I'm always here." I said.

Five minutes later, everyone piles into the room, including the teacher. I feel at peace in this class. It's the only one where gossiping doesn't happen. Today was yet another performance day, and I watched as a dance group, HIS dance group, performed. It looked like it was slightly rushed, but they had lost one of their main dancers. They never said anything to us, like before. They seemed to expect to lose him at some point. Jesy and Leigh had worked together on their performance, and their voices went together perfectly. Me and Jade had the same idea as Leigh and Jesy, and had decided to do a duet. We decided on a song from the Finding Neverland album, and settled on the duet song What You Mean To Me.

Your Point Of View:

I don't know these girls well. Just their names, and the obvious gossip that had been going around for the past month. But, even if you didn't know the song, you were drawn in by their performance, feeling their passion and emotion. It was typical of Jade, she always caught the attention of the class with her understanding. But for Perrie, it was like she improved dramatically out of nowhere by just being able to relate to the song. I couldn't help but to hang on to every note.


Standing here, all at once

All the words run dry


Something's changed, can't explain

And I can't deny

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