Chapter 6

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Jade's Point Of View:

It's been a week since Perrie became my girlfriend. I'm actually so happy about it. I'm just scared. It sounds stupid, but because things are going so good right now, I feel like something bad will happen. I just don't want this happiness to end.

Perrie's Point Of View:

I'm walking to school, thinking about seeing my girlfriend. Girlfriend, it feels so good to know I can call her that. Anyway, I'm just walking along, listening to music, when something covers my head and I feel someone grabbing me. I struggle out of the grasp, desperate to get whatever was over my head off me and see who was seemingly kidnapping me, but whoever had a hold of me had a strong grip, and dragged me into something like a confined space and I heard a loud slam. Yup, I think I'm in the boot of a car. Begin freak out sequence. What the fuck is going on? Who's done this? Where are they taking me? Why are they taking me. When is this gonna end? What's gonna happen to me?

Whoever brought me here is now standing in front of me as I'm tied to a chair. The bag that is covering my face is being pulled off, and now I can see exactly what is going on. I'm in a room that looks like a headquarters for a stalker. There are pictures of me everywhere. More worryingly, there are a lot of pictures of me and Jade together too. Someone is getting way too involved in my personal shit. I look back to the person who brought me here. I can't see the person properly, but I can make out from the hands that are visible that It's a male. He is dressed fully in black, with his hood up so I can't seen his face. I think this is the guy who took all these pictures. I may not know who it is, but this guy sure is weird as hell. I watch as he slowly raises his hands to his hood, grabs gently, and moves his hands back again to move the hood. I watch as the guy's face comes into view, and I recognise it only too well. This fucking asshole.

Sam fucking Craske. He's wearing one hell of a smirk right now.

"So care to explain please?" I ask, pretending not to be creeped out that he has several pictures of me right now. His face falters, and it looks like he expected me to be terrified.

"You're not scared?" He asks, failing very miserably to hide his disappointment.

"Why would I be scared of a guy who constantly takes pictures of me, some with my friends? I can't help if you're obsessed with me." I can see anger building up, so continue to wind the poor guy up. "You moved on from Jade that fast? Wow, so low. You really were only trying to get her laid, weren't you? You know, girls like guys who are up for a challenge, not guys who want a quickie like you." This made him mad, and he reached to a table nearby and grabbed a knife. Now would be a wise time to shut up. He brought it straight to my throat, and I let out a small whimper at the feeling of cold metal making contact with the skin there. He didn't cut the skin, but only a small amount of pressure would've been needed before he had cut me.

"You don't know what you're messing with, Edwards." He says, only to be followed by another voice.

"Sam, this was never part of the plan. Put the knife down." ZAYN?!

Zayn's Point Of View:

I stood there and watched in the shadows as Sam held the knife to Perrie's throat. This wasn't going to help Perrie. I let her go because I knew she didn't love me. I was hurt by it. Maybe I didn't quite love her either, but I was there for her at her best and worst times, and did it so she wouldn't date someone who would break her heart. Sam said he knew a way to keep her safe, but now it has become clear what his true intentions are. He wants Jade. I heard Perrie whimper, and Sam threaten her, which made me lose it and confront Sam.

I can see the pure shock and confusion on Perrie's face as it becomes clear that I had something to do with this. Sam turns to me, and I see him finally for what he truly is. Sadistic. I watch as he walks straight towards me, knife ready in his hand. I have to admit, I want to run right now. But not while my friend is in danger. So I kind of run instead. I get just outside of the room, get my phone, and call Jade. I just hope that she will answer to me.

Jade's Point Of View:

Perrie never turned up to school. I hope she isn't ill or anything, because that's the last thing I want to happen. It's just gone to lunch, when I hear my phone ring. I look at the caller ID. Zayn Malik. What could he possibly want? I answer the phone, and already hear talking from Zayn's end. But it isn't Zayn. It sounds like... Sam?

"You're telling me to let Perrie go? Hahaha! Zayn, you dumb bastard. I'm not done with her yet. I still have unfinished business with her. She stopped me from getting Jade to squeal under me. Do you know how that feels Zayn? To have a girl begging for mercy as they lay naked and vulnerable? It feels good. I've done that several times in this very room. My bedroom has been the perfect place to torture poor little virgins."

"Sam, put the knife down. I mean it." That was definitely Zayn.

"No. Know that I have power over you, so you can't tell me what to do."

Sam has Perrie? Zayn is there too? I hang up, and call the police. I knew Sam's address. I mean, that's where he said he was, right? I told them to go, but without sirens as the guy had two hostages and had a knife. They tell me they are on their way, and I leave the school and begin to run. Perrie's house isn't far from the school, so I knew I wouldn't loose too much energy if I sprint all they way there. I just hope Perrie is alright...


Just going to say it now... PLOT TWIST! What do you think will happen? Do you think Sam will get caught? Do you think Perrie will get out of it? Is Jade too late to save Perrie? Until tomorrow! (Although seriously, let me know what you guys think. It will probably help me construct the story to something you guys will enjoy.)


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