Chapter 2

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Perrie's Point Of View

I listened intently as Jade sang a song that I was familiar with. I'm sure it was Settle For Less by Before You Exit. I watched as she sang with passion, as if she wrote the song herself, as if she understood how it feels. I would say she was or is in that position, but I don't think she likes anyone. Which sucks. After all, Zayn broke up with me after he found out about my new developing crush. I didn't really care for him like I do this other person. It just hurts to know that something you have become accustomed to, something that became a kind of everyday routine is over. You need time to adjust to it. Which, I guess, is why I took a while to get over the break up. I knew he wasn't into me like that anyway. So it ended. I guess it's a good thing and a bad thing for the same reason. I now have more time to admire and be with the person who I have a crush on.

As Jade finished, she walked to the back of the classroom where me and the other girls were. Jesy and Leigh were talking about how good the song choice was, and seemingly doing it in exclaimed whispers as if they wanted to capture the attention of someone. As Jade sat down with us, I listened as they said she had done well. Class ended, and me and Leigh walked towards our math class while Perrie and Jesy went to languages.

"Hey, Perrie, what did you think?" Leigh asked, as if she was expecting what I said to have a dramatic impact of the result of whatever she was talking about. Probably one of the performances.

"Of what?" I kind of reply, unsure of what she was asking about.

"Of Jade, stupid! Who do you think? She performed so well!" She say with a remark.

"I know, right? You could literally feel the emotion as she sang. It was almost like she actually related to the song-"

"She does!" Leigh exclaims before she clamps a hand over her mouth. Her eyes fill with panic, as if she wasn't meant to say anything. "Uh... Bye!" She yells as she runs to the classroom. She knows that once we get there, we won't be able to speak because the teacher is strict. I groan in frustration, wanting to know what she meant by those two words. I run to class, hoping that if I'm early enough I can get a seat next to her. Then, at least, I can stop her from running out of class after so she can talk to me then.

I run in, and find she has picked the closest seat to the door. I sit next to her, as the seat is still free, and find a notepad in my bag. I rip out a page, write a note on it. What do you mean by 'she does'? What do you know that I don't?!  I then proceed to pass it discreetly pass it to the girl beside me. She unfolds the paper, and I see a smirk appear on her face. Oh hell no. I already know what this means. She's going to wind me up about not knowing something that she does. I feel a bit of paper placed into my hand. I unfold it, and see my note again, with more writing. Correction: What do you and Jesy know that I don't?!  Oh, well this is nice. I have two friends keeping something about me. Does Jade know too?  I scribble down, needing to know more about who else is aware of this. I throw the note at her face, and hold back a giggle at the confusion on Leigh's face. She finds the paper on the floor, picks it up, and begins to read. She smirks at me, only confirming the answer. I see my friend scribbling something down, then passing the note to me again. Of course she does! It's about her!  This is all getting too confusing. I sigh, and decide that algebra will probably hurt my brain less than this secret right now. Now there's something I never thought I would say.

The lesson ends, and I have a free period. Conveniently, so do the other girls. I  gather my stuff and run to one of the music rooms, because that is where we meet up usually. I see Jesy and Leigh, but no Jade.

"Hey, where's Jade?" I ask the two girls in the room. I needed to know if I had enough time to ask them what was going on.

"She went to her locker to get some textbooks for the class after break. Why?" Jesy asks. Obviously Leigh didn't get the time to tell her what had happened over the past hour. However, the lockers are on the opposite side of the school, so I use what time I have to my advantage.

"So, tell me about this secret about Jade that you two seem to know but I don't. I think I have a right to know since I'm as good as a friend to Jade as you guys are."

"Leigh, really?!" Jesy yells at Leigh, as if there was some kind of sworn oath that I wasn't allowed to know anything. "Well, there is no point leaving her in the dark, is there?" Jesy continues to Leigh. Leigh just shrugs, as if to tell Jesy to do whatever she wants. "Fine. I'm telling her. Perrie, Jade wants to fuck you." Wait, what the...

"Oh my god Jesy! What she really means," Leigh begins, glaring at Jesy for her not very PG description "Is that Jade fancies you. Oh, and has for a damn long time."

I just sit down on one of the chairs in the room and look away. I don't say anything, but sit down as I try to analyse if this is some sort of weird dream or if they are telling the truth. I look at them again, and notice the serious looks they give me and serenity in their eyes. I hold up one finger, as a signal to give me a second. They both just nod their heads and go outside the room. As soon as the door closes, I find I have a huge grin plastered on my face. Jade, my best friend, likes me. Oh, if only she knew that she was the person I broke up with Zayn for! I carry on smiling like an idiot until I hear the door open again. I turn to look, and see that Leigh and Jesy are pushing someone into the room. The two girls then slam the door shut, so they are still outside as the other person is in here. The figure then tries to open the door again, only to hear a locking sound. The girl sighs, turns around and looks me in the eyes. I can hear faint giggles outside, as it became clear what Jesy and Leigh had done.I was trapped in a room with a girl I had feelings for that were returned.

I was stuck in a room with Jade Thirlwall.

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