Chapter 4

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Perrie's Point Of View:

So I went to my next class with Jade. All four of us were meant to have English Lit. but it looks like Leigh and Jesy are gonna give it a miss. They're gonna be so pissed off when we get back to them. A comfortable silence set between us as we walked, both of us just enjoying each other's company. As we walked into class, we sat next to each other and worked in silence. Well, I say silence, I had my earphones in and I passed one of them to Jade so she could listen too. That's kind of silence since neither of us said anything.

After the lesson, it was lunch, so we got food for both us and the girls we left in the music room and then made our way over. As we got to the music department, we could make out a noise, but couldn't work out what it was. As we neared the room they were in, where we were only round the corner from the door to the room, it became only too clear what the noise was and what was causing it. Me and Jade just looked at each other and decided to eat in another room to them. We didn't want to hear Leigh moaning out Jesy's name while we were eating.

Leigh's Point Of View:

While me and Jesy were stuck in the music room, we got kinda bored. Well, she got bored, I was kinda freaking out on the inside. I've had this small crush on Jesy for a while now, but decided not to act upon it. But while we were both sat really close to each other on the piano stool and nothing was happening, I couldn't help myself. So, out of nowhere, I got the courage to kiss her. I immediately pulled away, saying I was sorry, that I shouldn't have done it and more stuff along them lines when she cut me off by kissing me again. I deepened the kiss, wanting her to know how much I didn't regret this. Obviously she didn't regret any of this either as she stood up and guided us to the nearest desk. I don't think I need to explain what happened after all that, but may I just add that this is the best I've ever felt in my life. Until we were caught.

In other words, Perrie walked in on us while it was still happening. She literally stormed in, went "Hey guy- OH MY GOD MY EYES! JADE DO NOT COME IN HERE!" while covering her eyes and ran back out of the door. maybe wasn't a good idea to have desk sex in school after all...

Jade's Point Of View:

I was going to walk into the room behind Perrie when I heard her yell "OH MY GOD MY EYES! JADE DO NOT COME IN HERE!" and see her running out of the room while one of her hands were covering her eyes. I laughed as she ran into a wall and groaned. I helped her up off the floor, and she was rubbing her head where she had made contact with the wall. I moved her hand and stood on my toes so I could kiss her forehead. I moved back and saw her smiling. We decided to wait round the corner for our two friends. They came over, and both of them had creased clothes and messed up hair. Jesy was wearing a huge frown, while Leigh looked down, blush becoming evident due to her embarrassment. Me and Perrie just looked at each other and laughed. The only way it could've been more obvious that they had done it was if you saw them. Unfortunately for Perrie, she had.

"What  now?" Jesy asks, obviously frustrated. Oh, I wonder why?

"J-just go and l-look in a m-m-mirror!" Perrie laughs out, constantly having to restart a word because she got interrupted by a burst of giggles. Damn, her laugh was cute.

We asked if they wanted to eat, but Jesy said they had already eaten. It took me a second until I realised what she meant. I decided I didn't want to talk to her while she was still very evidently horny, and walked away from the other girls. I told them I needed the toilet, so I went alone. Half-way there, I had a hand grab my wrist. I turned around and saw Sam. You know, the dude in the dance group that all the girls like. I stand there for a second, waiting for him to say something, but he doesn't. Therefore, I speak up.

"Uh, Sam, you stopped me. Why?" I ask, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. I knew his type. He dates until he gets what he wants, then leaves you like you were nothing. I didn't like his type. Which, I guess, is why I didn't like him.

"I was wondering if you wanna go out sometime. You know, like a date?" He half asks. I'd say he asked, but, like always, he spoke with so much confidence, like I'd already said yes to him.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to turn down that offer." I respond calmly, and begin to walk away. He, however, has other plans, and grabs my arm to pull me back. As I spin to face him again, he slams his lips onto mine. His lips were rough and chapped, unlike Perrie's. I push him away, and proceed to yell at him. "What the hell?! What is your problem?! I've tried being polite, but now I'm gonna be downright truthful, I don't like you! Now get the fuck away from me!" He grabs my arm again, but lets go after he hears a voice.

"You heard her, leave her alone." Sam spins round, and I look to see Perrie stood there. She's obviously heard me yelling at least. Sam pulls me forward, then into his side. I struggled with him but he held onto me tight so I couldn't escape. He was wearing an evil smirk, and it made me want to be sick.

"Or? What are you gonna do, you dumb little bitch?" He spits, and it makes me hate him even more. Only I watch Perrie smile back at him and reply in a calm manner.

"Oh, I wouldn't do anything. But we will do something." Me and Sam look at her confused, but then Jesy and Leigh step out from around a corner. "Girls, get him." Just like that, my two best friends and my crush walk up to the guy. Jesy grabs one arm and Leigh the other. I move next to Perrie as she smiles at Sam. He has a look of surprise on his face. Then, out of nowhere, Perrie punches him square in the face. He probably would've fallen to the floor if it wasn't for Leigh and Jesy holding him up. Perrie then grabs him by the shoulders, and swiftly brings her knee up to hit him hard where it hurts most. My friends let go of him, and he stumbles to the ground, one hand over his nose and the other hand over his lower regions. It was very satisfying to see, really. All the girls then turned to me and trapped me in a group hug.

My friends are the best people ever. Including my crush. I couldn't wait for the day I could tell everyone that she is my girlfriend. Unfortunately, I know that day probably isn't today. I have no idea when that day will be too. But I will wait. This girl, as she has proven, will protect me and care for me, and I won't ever let her go.

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