Chapter 10

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(A/N) There are two song in this chapter. Instead of copying out all the lyrics, I'm just going to tell you when to play them so you can listen to it. You will see bold writing when the song starts like this author's note, with the song name.

Perrie's Point Of View:

It was performance day, and I was already worried. I mean, my friends and my teacher know it was an original song I was doing. What if everyone thought it was terrible? Wait, that didn't matter. As long as Jade realised how I really felt. She can't just save me, claim me as hers, then just ditch me for one of our friends. One of MY friends. I avoid her a break, and stick with Zayn and his group instead. They're nice people, and I get on with them really well. After break, performing arts was next. I took a shaky breath, unsure if I was prepared to perform my song to the class. I walk in, extra early, so I can talk to Justin.

"Hey sir!" I say, trying not to show that my nerves had kicked in.

"It's Justin. I've told you this I don't even know how many times. You ready?" He asks me.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Did you get the backing track?" I was getting really scared about this performance now.

"Yeah, I did. Amazing, might I add. I think, if your written work is up to standard, you'll be getting a high grade for this performance." He comforts me, and now I know this boost of confidence will soon disappear, so I make a last-minute decision.

"Justin, may I be first to perform?" I hope to god, he will let me.

"I will, but just know that you'll be setting the standard, and if this goes well, considering this is an original, people are going to feel more nervous about their performances." He warns me.

"I wanna set the standard sir, and I want to do it before I decide I don't want to and run out of class." I had done that before, which is why I can tell him this.

"Alright then, if it means you will perform, I'll let you go first." He says. I then sit down.

It's only a few seconds before people swarm into the classroom, and Mr Bieber announces that it is performance day. I can see everyone's facial expression, each and every one a mixture of excited and nervous. The teacher then continues, and explains that someone has already volunteered to go first. This aroused everyone's attention. No-one ever says that they want to go first. Everyone looks round the room confused until I stand up. All eyes are burning holes into my skull as I make my way to the front of the class to the mini stage, and grab a microphone. I nod to sir, and he just starts the music as I begin to sing.

Cue: Love Me Or Leave Me

Jade's Point Of View:

I listened intently to Perrie's voice as she sang. I understood the words, the meaning, the emotion. She put everything into the song. Somehow, I just knew this song was directed at me. It was strange, I'd never heard this song before, but still I imagined I knew it, and hung on to every word. At some point near the end, both our eyes met, and I couldn't help but to hold on to that gaze. I saw the tears form in her eyes, and I knew that after her performance that she was going to run out of the room. There, however, was nothing I could do if she did. As the last note was sounded, I looked into her eyes one last time. She looked up at me, and then ran. Just disappeared. Everyone turned to me, as I was the last person she looked at. I looked over to Leigh and Jesy, a worried look emerging on my face. Leigh nodded, and pulled Jesy's arm as they ran after Perrie. Everyone had turned around now, and sir began to speak.

"Don't worry guys, she will be alright. She had already explained the song meant a lot to her. She had written the song herself, so she connected with every word she just sang. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the sort of standard I want all your performances to be at. I only know of one other person who is going to perform an original today, and I am impressed with what I have been shown. Maybe not the running out at the end, but that emotion, understanding and passion is what I expect in everyone's performance." I see him looking around the room, and everyone nods in understanding. "Now then, James, you're up next."

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