Chapter 3

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Jade's Point Of View

As I walked to the music room where me and my friends meet up for break, I hear Leigh and Jesy whispering. I hide around the corner, and can only just make out what they are saying.

"Jesy, you do realise she is gonna kill us when she finds out we told her, right?"

"Look, I'm sure it will be fine. I mean, look at Perrie! I've never seen her smile so much!" She seems way to happy to say that Perrie doesn't like Jade back!"

As I hear these words spoken, I lose it. They told Perrie that I liked her?! I can't believe this. I storm round the corner I was hiding behind and headed straight for them.

"You told her? Why?!" I whisper, seen as they were whispering too. They signal to look though the gap between the door and it's frame. I did, and saw Perrie smiling like mad. It made me lower my guard, and it turns out that my two friends noticed. They quickly opened the door and pushed me inside and slammed the door behind me. I quickly spun round and tried to open the door, but knew I was too late as I heard a click. I'm going to get them back for this later. I sigh, and turn around, only to be met with blue eyes that I knew only too well. I froze in my spot, unsure of what to say after receiving my new found information. I hear giggling outside. So I decide now is a good time to make a sarcastic remark.

"You know, if you're that desperate to see two girls kiss each other, you could have searched for a video online!" I shout, and Perrie understands straight away.

"Just because you told me, doesn't mean anything is gonna happen if you lock us in a room together!" Perrie yells after, which comes with a muffled reply from Jesy.

"Your smile earlier told a completely different story!" I watch as Perrie turns a light shade of red. I roll my eyes and look through the gap to see two eyes staring back.

"Leave us alone. If we were going to end up doing anything, we wouldn't do it while we had a pair of peeping toms." I growl at them. That seems to be enough for them to walk away.

"We will be back in five minutes!" I hear Leigh yell, and they disappear round the corner. I turn back to Perrie, only to see that she has got a lot closer than she was before she turned round. I felt my heart thumping against my ribcage, and I was prepared for it to just burst. I was trying to say something, but I couldn't think of anything. Perrie saved me from having to think of a conversation as she began to speak.

"So, is it true?" She asks. I decide to pretend I have no clue what she is on about, even though we both know very well what she means.

"Is what true? That pigs can fly? I mean, I did see a pig balloon in the sky the other day-"

"Jade. Not what I mean." I already knew that. "Is it true that you like me?" Oh great. The dreaded question is now floating in the air, waiting to be answer. I turn around, not wanting to see her look of disgust as I answer her with a yes. I hear the sound of movement until I feel a hand grab my forearm.

"Do you remember when I said that I moved on to someone else earlier today?" I nod, not wanting to speak. She's about to tell me that she likes this person a lot, yet only sees me as a friend, and I know it.

She tightens her grip on my arm and pulls so that I'm forced to turn and face her. I keep my eyes on the floor. She lets me go, only for her hand to grasp my hand in hers. I look up, confused, not understanding what she is doing. Or, at least, I was, until she said four words that turn my puzzled face into a shocked one. "That person is you."

I feel my heart literally explode inside of me. This is, just wow. The girl that I've crushed on for so long is here telling me she likes me. Next Jesy and Leigh are gonna be in a relationship and Zayn is gonna be dating his best friend. In other words, I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming right now and-

I stopped thinking once I notices Perrie's eyes flicker from my eyes down to my lips, then back up again. I lost all control of my body as I leaned towards her, and kissed her. I rested my arms on top of her shoulders and the back of her neck, and pulled so that I could bring her closer to me. She was kissing back, with the same force, and wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer. This was bliss. You know when people describe butterflies and fireworks going off in your stomach? It's kind of like that. But it's also calm. I know, it doesn't make sense but it does if you experience it. It's like it's exciting yet comforting. Like everything is going 500 miles per hour yet everything has stopped at the same time. It feels like it's just us in the whole world. Or, well, it did.

When we separated , I could hear cheering from the door. I think Jesy and Leigh had come back to check on us and saw us. I look back at Perrie to see her rolling her eyes. She decides that now we should probably get ready for our next class.

"You know, break is nearly over and I don't wanna get another detention for being late to class again! Unlock the damn door!" She yells through the door. It becomes silent for a moment, and then bursts of laughter from both the girls outside fills the short silence.

"You know, if you both weren't too busy SMOOCHING each other, you would have noticed we even walked in on you!" Jesy says, emphasising the word smooching and bursting into fits of laughter again. I feel my cheeks heating up at the comment, and can see Perrie turning a deep shade of red. Perrie tries the door, and it opens. Me and Perrie look at each other, and seem to form a plan with just our eyes. We help the two laughing girls, and then push them into the room and lock it. We hear them pounding on the door, and laugh.

"See how you like it girls!" I shout through the door. "Well, I've got class now, see you in an hour!" I continue, running away with Perrie while giggling. Jesy and Leigh are gonna kill us after this.


Hey! So I'm ill, which means I'm stuck at home, which means a double update! I will be uploading most likely 6 days a week, as once a week I go to my friend's house, so I won't. However, because I am this sad that my life kinda revolves around fanfiction (well, and quotes but besides the point) I will be updating every other day.


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