Chapter 5

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Perrie's Point Of View:

Jade had just left for the toilet when I heard Sam and Zayn talking outside.

"Are you sure you wanna go for Jade?" I hear Zayn ask.

"Of course I do! I bet she's amazing in bed!" OH HELL NO. I'M THE ONE WHO GETS TO FIND THAT OUT.

"But you know what her friends are like. They are protective of her, and know of your reputation." I hear Zayn. Zayn isn't a bad guy. He's cool. He just didn't quite love me. Which I understood, of course.

"Which is why now is a great opportunity to do it. She's alone, and I can easily force myself onto her if I have to, which I doubt I will." Fucking big ego. Zayn didn't get a chance to reply before Sam walked away, in the same direction as Jade.I looked over to Jesy and Leigh, and they heard it all too. I told them I'm going to deal with him, and the girls said they would too. We all went, and made sure he knew he was messing with the wrong girl. We trapped Jade in a group hug, and then the bell went.

We all had history together, so we went there. Sam was in that lesson too. It was funny. He was being a bigmouth, saying he just saw a guy in all black sneak into the school, and he had a fight with him, to explain his badly bruised nose. I wouldn't be surprised if I had managed to break it. Apparently he won too. I let him run his mouth, and so did the others. We didn't want to deflate his ego too much.

When school ended, we all went to Jade's house. We have a sleepover almost everyday, because we're all so close to each other. We just walked in and went up after saying hello to Norma. We all gather into Jade's room, and everyone seems to fall into a conversation about Sam and what we did today. I've got to admit, it was quite funny to see him making up some real bad story about someone breaking in the school, and how the other guy got off worse. Oh, if only all the gullible girls at school knew the real reason...

 I left the room to go to the toilet. As I was leaving, I saw Jade outside. She pushed me back into the bathroom and walked in. She locked the door behind her, and turned back to me.

"What are we?" She asked. Surprisingly, I hadn't thought of that. I was probably too busy thinking about how I'd actually kissed her, how she liked me back, and how I hurt the prick that hit on my girl. Wait, my girl. Well, I know what I want us to be.

"I don't know, what is it you want?" I reply, wanting to know what she thinks.

"For you to be mine." She didn't waste any time thinking about that. That made me happy. I wanted to be hers too. I wanted to be with her, and so bad. So I decided that now was as good as a time as ever. Despite the fact that that there was a toilet and bath in the same room. But oh well.

"Be my girlfriend?"

Jade's Point Of View:

After Perrie left, I gave her a minute before I left my two friends in the room. I had to talk to her. I mean, we never discussed what we were, what we are. I walk outside the door, and as I do, Perrie opens the door. I push her straight back into the room, and lock the door behind us. I turn around, and ask her what has been on my mind since break at school.

"What are we?" She takes a minute to think, before she gives her reply.

"I don't know, what is it you want?"

"For you to be mine." Whoa, that didn't take a lot of thought, or any at all. I really wanted this. I wanted us.

"Be my girlfriend?" I hear, which snaps me out of my thoughts. She looks nervous, as if I would say no. I begin to smile, which turns into a huge grin. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her in for a kiss as I close my eyes. I feel her arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer as she deepens the kiss. I couldn't believe this was happening. My crush just asked me to be her girlfriend and is kissing me. Who said dreams were impossible to achieve? I pull away slowly and my eyes flicker open to see a very happy Perrie.

"Did that answer your question?" I say while smirking, knowing already that it was more than enough confirmation. She nods, and I pull her into a hug.

We then proceed to leave the bathroom, and it literally just dawns on me that Perrie asked me in a bathroom. I start to laugh, and Perrie gives me a funny look, but decides not to question it. We walk into my room and... Just walk straight back out because we didn't want to carry on seeing our friends have a make-out session. I knock on the door, and a groan can be heard before an extremely frustrated Jesy swings the door open.

"Yes?" She asks, annoyance clear in my voice.

"Oh, right, this isn't my room now, it's yours. Sorry, I forgot." I shoot back with sarcasm. Jesy  moves out of the way and an extremely flustered Leigh can be seen sitting on the floor. It was a good thing that I stopped them when I did, otherwise it probably would've gone a lot further, which I don't need. I don't exactly like the idea of my two best friends getting down and dirty in my room. I wouldn't ever be able to sleep in there again. I decide not to think about that and instead just focus on having a good time. After all, you never know how long good things are gonna happen before something bad happens.

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