Chapter 14

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Perrie's Point Of View

I had just come home. I was scared for this moment. I walk into the living room and sit down. The nerves then take over and I begin to tense up. I feel a hand interlace with mine, and look at the person. I look into her soft, calming eyes and relaxed. She held out her arms, and I accepted her embrace. Nothing can make me feel safer than a hug with her. I pull away, and then decide to get it over and done with.

"Mam! I need to talk to you!" Jade looks at me, squeezes my hand, then lets her hand slip away from mine.

"I'll be down in a second!" I hear from upstairs. This was it. I was finally going to come out to my mother.

My mum walks in, and I begin to get nervous again. I look over to Jade, and she gives me a reassuring smile. Once she sat down, I began to talk.

"There's something that I have needed to say for a while now, and I want to get it out." I see her give me a worried look, but I continue, knowing that there is no turning back now. "I'm just going to put it out there. I'm possibly gay but I'm-"

"Dating Jade? Oh Perrie, I already know." Uh, WHAT?! "The school called me about the... What's the word I'm looking for... Oh yes, stunt, that Zaynie pulled at school, but then again, it was a little obvious."

"Zaynie?" Jade asks.

"It's what me mam usually calls him." I explain. "But how was it obvious?" Mum just looks at me, and all of a sudden I know and I wish I didn't ask.

"Everyday you came back with either a smile or frown. Either Jade was at school and you were talking about all the funny things she did," Jade was looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I was slowly but surely going redder. "Or she wouldn't be there and you'd be in a bad mood for the rest of the day, talking about how it was that little bit less fun. Darling, it was clear you had feelings for her." Jade is now struggling to hold in a fit of laughter while I was hoping the ground would swallow me whole.

"Mum!" I whined, and she just laughed at me. Which caused Jade to laugh at me. I went redder than I ever have before. I become mock angry, running upstairs to my room like a little kid. "MEANIES!!" I yell down the stairs, and shut my door after me.

It wasn't long until Jade walked into the room. "So, you talked about me a lot?" A smirk appeared on her face, and I groaned. I jump onto my bed, grabbing a pillow and putting it over my head.

"Leave until you stop teasing me." I say. Things went silent, and I honestly thought she had gone. Until I felt a hand on my inner thigh, fingers tracing small circles. My breath hitches, and I lose all train of thought.

"I thought you'd like a little teasing." She pulls the pillow from my face, and her smirk is bigger, more evil, yet somewhat... Seductive. Is she trying to kill me?

"Just a reminder, my mam is downstairs." I say.

"Actually, she isn't. She said she had to go see a friend of hers, and that she would be a while." She then leans in, lips brushing m ear. "It's just you and me."

Looks like I'm being roped into a Jesy and Leigh-Anne moment.


AND THAT'S THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might do a sequel. I don't know. I'll consider it. But for now, imagination is a wild thing, imagine what can happen to them.

The sequel might not be for a while if I do decide to do one, I have other priorities to deal with, but I am willing to get writing, and as I write this I do believe I'm going to have a sequel. But for now, I hope you have enjoyed this book, and I hope it's lived up to your expectations.


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