Gally Imagine #10 (AU)

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omg omg thank you guys so much for 50k views! :) GgrieveitMyFinger, i am currently writing an imagine for you so it should be up soon sorry for the wait ;) p.s I only just saw the force awakens and the 3 seconds that Thomas was in it were truly amazing haha ;) sorry for not updating in like a month


"Hold on!" My friend screeched as she stopped to look at some expensive looking high heels. "They'd be perfect for the party tonight!" She exclaimed. "Yeah they do look-" I started.
"Ooh but we need to get you something to wear, here come in this shop and we'll have a look." She said, dragging me inside.

I was out shopping with several friends but we had split up as we needed to go in different shops. I just needed to get some lunch but somehow ended up shopping for shoes.

After me and my friend had settled on an outfit and shoes, we reunited with the others. "Hey can we go and get lunch now?" I asked, feeling really hungry. Everyone nodded and we ended up eating outside in a nice restaurant.

"So," one of my friends said as we sat down, "see any guys in the mall today you like?" She giggled, everyone joining in. "Ahaha to be honest, not really." I admitted, taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Ooh maybe you'll meet someone tonight!" They said, getting excited. "Maybe." I laughed, but I didn't really believe that I would really have strong feelings about a guy so soon.

We went home then and started getting ready for the party, everyone really excited. One of our friends, a really popular guy, was hosting it at his new house and his parties are always awesome and everyone loves them.

I put on my dress, seeing that we had to be there in half an hour and I was no where near ready. My friends put some make up on me and we set off.

"WE'RE HERE!" One of my friends screamed, squirming about on the seat, to get a good look at out friends new house.

It was practically a mansion. It was beautiful, palm trees outside, a pool and there were tons of people already there.

The car screeched to a stop and we all tumbled out, screaming and admiring the house.

"So you like it?" our old friend asked us, from behind. "Yes yes we love it omg!" We all shouted, amazed.

After catching up a little, we all split up and went to look around and get a drink. I ended up on the sofa with the tv remote somehow. Everyone else was dancing or drinking or both. And wow I was really lazing about on the sofa.

Just then I felt the sofa dip a little on the other end. I looked to see a guy staring down at me, short brown hair, wearing jeans and very casual deep red t shirt.

"Hey, I'm Gally." He said, holding out his hand to me. "Y/N." I answered, taking it. "By the look of your face you seem pretty bored, maybe I could get you a drink?" He asked. "Sure, thanks Gally, I'd like that." I responded.

"Alrighty then," he started, motioning me towards the bar. This house had everything. I quickly followed him and had a look at the drinks. "Just a Coke thanks." I said to him.

"Woah that's wild calm down." He laughed, causing me to giggle. "But seriously is there anything else you want, my lady?" He laughed. "Nah I'm good." I said, I was just glad that this guy seemed so genuinely nice and kind.

We got our drinks and went into the huge garden to explore. "It is now officially my dream to get a place like this ." I laughed. "I know right! It's got everything." Gally said.

Me and Gally walked by the pool then. The water was so clear we could see our reflections. I nearly slipped on some water that has been splashed outside of the pool but Gally somehow caught me. "Woah you okay?" He asked, concerned. "Yes I'm fine ha." I laughed nervously, brushing myself off, even though I didn't touch the ground or the water thanks to Gally.

We wandered round outside for a while longer, joking about what could've happened if I fell in pool. I'm so glad he caught me. It saved me a lot of embarrassment.

We went back inside where we ordered some pizza and more drinks. Gally even attempted dancing at one point but I don't think he should consider it as a potential career or anything.

After pizza and more taking I felt myself getting tired and I must have fell asleep then because I don't remember what happened at all after that.

I woke to see Gally staring down at my face. "Hey, morning" he smiled. "I just realised my head was lay on his lap. "Morning, oh I'm sorry! I'll get off." I laughed nervously. "It's totally fine, you fell asleep on my lap so I stayed with you all night." He said.

"Awwe Gally that's so sweet." I said giving a kiss on the cheek. He blushed a little, earning another kiss from me, this time on the lips.

I couldn't believe I would like a guy this much so soon. But I had a soft spot for Gally. And I was falling for him.

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