Chapter 5

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Cal looked up once he realized we were there. He looked at me and stood up. "Mackenzie...I'm sorry." He said. He looked very guilty and really looked like he meant it. I was silent, so was everyone else at the table. "I know that nothing was your fault. I was just being stupid. Grace was the one being a bitch and she broke up with me because I wanted to talk to you. I'm really sorry. I should've never done or said what I did. Forgive me?" He asked, opening his arms. I didn't say anything. I smiled and closed the space between us, hugging him tightly. "It's about fucking time. I'm tired of hearing him complain." Ethan's laughter broke the silence of everyone else. I giggled before pulling away and went to sit by Tobi and Simon. "How you doing?" Tobi asked, hugging me slightly. "Great I guess." I said, shrugging. "Where's Callux?" I asked, looking around the table, noticing he was gone. "Visiting his parents. His dad's got the flu." Harry answered. He was across from me. Beside him was Ethan and JJ. Vik, Kay, Freya, and Josh filled up the other seats. I nodded in response. "Hey guys and girls and that." A familiar voice said. I looked up from the table to meet eyes with Lucille. Can I never get away from her? "Oh fuck off." I groaned, rolling my eyes. I heard Simon chuckle beside me. "Can we get a different waitress?" I asked, looking around. "I'm the only one who is free at the moment so take it or leave it." She said, rolling her eyes. She just had to get a job here. Where we hang out all of the time. "We can lea-" Ethan started. I shook my head. "No. It's Nandos. We are eating here." I interrupted him. She was taking our orders, slowly but surely. Then she reached me and just skipped right over me. Simon noticed this and ordered my usual for me. As she walked away, I narrowed my eyes at her back. I was pissed. I was really pissed. I felt Simon hand on my leg, but ignored it. "Unbelievable." I said, shaking my head once she disappeared from my view. "How the hell did she even get a job here?" I continued to rant on. They just smiled and rolled their eyes in agreement. "Did you see how she just fucking skipped me?! Like, what the hell man?!" I said, my voice rising. Simon patted my knee telling me to calm down. Now, everyone was looking at me, holding back laughter. "What? A girl's gotta vent." I said, looking between all of them. "Preach, girl." Kay said, putting her hand in the air. "If she touches me, can I hit her?" I asked, looking at Josh. He pointed at Cal who pointed at Simon. I looked at Simon and he shook his head. "Violence isn't the answer." He said, squeezing my knee. I grabbed his hand. "But yes it is." I said, turning back in my chair. After a few minutes of waiting for our food and just bantering about, the food finally came. She gave me mine, even though Simon ordered it. She didn't say anything else the entire time we were there, which I was proud of.

"Wake up. Babe, wake up." Simon a voice woke me alone with me being shaken slightly. I opened my eyes to find myself leaning on Simon, the car stopped. We must already be at the beach. I leaned off of him and stretched before getting out of the car. There was the beach. I smiled. It was a really beautiful day, perfect for a beach day. "Ready to tan!" Freya said, getting out of the car next to me. I smiled and grabbed mine and Simon's bag from the backseat. All of the guys were already running towards the water. Simon already had his shirt halfway off by the time I closed the car door. He took off, running after the guys. I watched as they all ran into the water, splashing and pushing each other. I followed Freya and Kay to a spot. We all laid out a towel and sat down. They were taking off their bathing suit cover ups, but I couldn't bring myself to do that just yet. I looked around, examining the people around us. To our left was another group of girls, all laying on their stomachs. To our right was a group of guys, checking the girls out. It made me uncomfortable, but I eventually took my shirt and shorts off. I laid back with Freya and Kay and joined in on their conversation about the guys always recording. Not that I don't get along with the girls, because I do, I just can't relate to them. I've always had more friends that were guys than girls. I have a YouTube channel myself that I upload daily on. It has over four million subscribers, which I'm very proud of and thankful for. I work just as hard as the guys do, so when they complains about Vik and Josh always recording, I can't relate because I'm most likely a part of that recording. I closed my eyes and just relaxed. For about twenty minutes. A darkness came over me and I forced my eyes open. There stood a guy I didn't recognize. I raised my eyebrow up at him. "Can I help you?" I asked, sitting up slightly. "You can give me your number." He smirked. "I'm not interested. Sorry." I said, laying back down again. I glimpsed over at the water, where the guys were watching the guy's every movement, thankfully. "C'mon don't be like that. We both know you want me." He said smugly. "Fuck off, okay? I don't want your number and you're not getting mine." I said, rolling my eyes. Now, the girls were listening in too. "Hey. She said fuck off. So fuck off." Simon's voice made me sit up again. The guy rolled his eyes before walking away. Then I noticed all of the other guys behind Simon. All of them together did make them look very threatening. Simon smirked before plopping down beside me. "Bathing suit looks great on you." He whispered, looking over at me. I pretended to flip my hair. "I know, I know." I said dramatically. He chuckled. This was really nice. This is what I needed. A break. I sighed. "I'm really glad we are here." I said. "Me too." Simon said. "Flip." Freya said. As if on cue, Freya and Kay both turned over to lay on their stomachs. I was really comfortable as I was, but flipped over too. I looked over at Simon, who was still laying on his back. "Guess what." Simon said, looking over at me. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Just then, water was thrown on me. I didn't even move or look at who it was because I heard JJ's loud laugh, then joined by everyone else's. I just sighed. "Great refreshment. I was getting a little hot." I said, looking back at them slightly. JJ laughed even more.

We stayed at the beach for a while. Until it was dark actually. Watching the sunset was unbelievably amazing. We were now home, finally. I got the best tan today, but I also got a little sunburn. I sighed as I opened the bathroom door. I just finished taking a shower. When I went into my room, I went to my desk to upload a video that was late. When I turned around to my bed, Simon was already in it, asleep. I smiled and plugged my phone into the charger before getting into bed. I was very tired, just like everyone else. I fell asleep without even being able to think about hardly anything other than what an amazing day it's been.

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