Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry, Daddy"

Louis' pov

Crap! Why did I say that? Momma told me never give into those naughty instincts. I wonder if he thinks I'm a freak. Wait, why am I worried about what he thinks about me? He is a criminal.

"It's okay Princess, I'll let it past this time, but if you do that to Daddy again, you'll get punished." Harry says, "Now go pack up some clothes, we're leaving." He says, guiding me towards the stairs.

"W-Where are we going?" I say, not daring to put up a fight.

"We are going to my house Princess, where you will live in from now on." He says, going into my room and getting a suitcase.

"Why?" I ask, I bit confused.

"Well Princess, if you didn't know, I'm a criminal, and lots of people are out to put me behind bars again," he says, putting some of my clothes in the suitcase, "And if they put me behind bars," he says zipping up the suitcase, "Who will take care of my Princess for me?" He finishes, picking up the suitcase and walking towards my bedroom door.

I don't know who would, I think in my head. I may have just get Harry, but I already trust him. After walking down the stairs, we head towards the back door. As he opens the door, I see a black Range Rover parked by my garage. He must make lots of money to own a car like this, I wonder what his job is.

As we approach the car, I see its wheels are very big, he am I supposed to get in the car? Harry must see my worried face and says, "Don't worry Princess, I'll help you in." I sigh in relief, it would've been embarrassing trying to get in the car without help.

We get to the car and Harry opens the door. As I lift my foot up to the car, I feel big hands wrap around my waist and lift me to the seat. I blush seeing he could pick me up so easy.

"T-Thank you." I say looking at him. "No problem Princess." He says closing the door and walking to the other side. As he gets in the car, he says, "Take a nap Princess, the ride is long."

He starts the car, and then I realize how tired I was.

"Goodnight Daddy." I say, already half asleep.

"Goodnight Princess." he says, backing out onto the road. That's the last thing I hear before I drift to sleep.

A/n: I'm sorry for the long wait, I was waiting for one or two more reads to update again. I hope all of you are enjoying the book! Do you guys want Zany to be in the book? And any more ships you guys want? Please comment what you want, thanks for reading!!

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